Sunday, June 10, 2007

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. Or Not.

House hunting in The Springs.

Not sure which is worse: wild animals and trophy wives in the Southwest part of town or Jesus freaks and chain restaurants in the North. There are liberals and Jews in the South - four or five anyway. But the North has affordable homes and kids are actually seen playing outside with other kids.

Yes, driving by Focus on the Family scared the piss out of me.

Realtor: They have a great play area for kids.
Kate: I'm sure they do.

Then it occurred to me: Living around and socializing with people who think differently has been good for me. Very good for me.

Besides, I've seen what happens to those who only surround themselves with like-minded companions. The resulting judgmental and close-minded attitudes disturb me more than Jesus freaks. I don't want to become one of *them*.

Let me explain.

I used to think:

- Toby Keith fans were rabid pigs.

- all liberals were open-minded and considerate.

- people who listened to country music and voted Republican were part of the problem.

- those who waved Confederate flags were racist rednecks.

- pro-life, conservative Christians and I have nothing in common.

Now, after a few years in Florida, I know that:

- only Toby Keith is a rabid pig. His fans are fine.

- some liberals are mean and nasty and rotten.

- country music enthusiasts who vote Republican are some of the nicest people around, however misguided their politics might be.

- lots of rednecks are kind-hearted and help people who break down on the side of the road.

- pro-life, conservative Christians love this planet, children, and Borat as much as I do.

I wonder what Colorado will teach me?


At 6/11/2007, Blogger KleoPatra said...

i wonder too...

At 6/11/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

- some liberals are mean and nasty and rotten.

- the truth - most liberals are mean and nasty just read Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, The Huffington Post or listen to Air America.

- country music enthusiasts who vote Republican are some of the nicest people around, however misguided their politics might be.

Who made you the expert on what is misguided???? I hope you and Ward Churchill find each other in Colorado.


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