Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Defend Our Courts!

Bush has once again nominated a judge with dubious credentials. In question is Leslie Southwick for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Please read here for detailed background information about this dildo.

Southwick's rulings and statements show that he is not committed to equal justice and has no place on the 5th circuit court.

Shocker. Otherwise why would Bush nominate him?

Please add your voices of concern or condemnation. This court is particularly critical as it is a federal appeals court. If we citizens cannot protect our courts from right-wing ideologues, we will have nowhere to turn for justice.

Let's stop this nomination in Committee before it goes on to the full Senate, so please call in. Senators Feinstein and Kohl in particular my be wavering. Can you take a moment to call them and ask that they vote against Southwick's confirmation?

Sen. Diane Feinstein (CA) (202) 224-3841
Sen. Herb Kohl (WI) (202) 224-5653

If you do call these two Senators, please notify Color of Change how your call went.

You can contact all the Senators in the Judiciary Committee here.

If you still have the time, please sign this letter.

I know. Stick a broom up your arse so you can sweep as you go along. All this, and dinner still gets served on time.

No one rocks harder than us.


At 6/28/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Why do they call themselves "People For the American Way" when they're not?

At 6/28/2007, Blogger kate said...

What "American Way" are you talking about?

*Dying* to know.

At 6/28/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

The "People for the...." group that wrote the letter.

At 6/28/2007, Blogger kate said...

Right, I know. But you said they're not (for the American way). So which American way are you saying they're not for?

At 6/28/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't have time to list all that.

They're a leftist special interest group who only want judges, legislation, etc... that suits them. They're the ones claiming they are for the American way, but I and many other of my fellow Americans notice they are in favor of things that we don't consider to be the American way. So I ask why do they name themselves something that's really not what they are? It would be more accurate to name themselves "A Few People For What They Consider To Be The American Way But That Doesn't Necessarily Mean That It Is," but that would probably eat up their budget on just the letterhead alone.

At 6/28/2007, Blogger kate said...

The ones who want more of a balance to our courts (yes, they have a liberal bias) doesn't make them any less American than the ones who want more conservative judges.

No matter what you and your friends say.


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