Not So Big, Not So Easy
We're hanging out in New Orleans for a day or two. Cause nothing says vacation like, "Look guys, see that devastated neighborhood? President Bush blows."
Good times.
Been here before, back in '93 when Husband and I were simply Boyfriend/Girlfriend looking to experience Mardi Gras with five of our closest friends.
I remember it well...
Took one look around the French Quarter and immediately decided all the women were nuts. Including some of my friends. They competed with each other to see who could flash the most frat boys. Then the frat boys would give them beads. Cheap-ass, nasty, beer-soaked beads.
I wanted *nothing at all* to do with those goddamn beads.
Didn't have a problem showing the girls once or twice. However, I did not want to be compensated with anything "Made in China". I flashed a few people who asked politely, one guy in a wheelchair was especially nice. After that, I walked around proudly, the only girl in town with ample ta-tas yet nothing green and purple around my neck to show for it. Except that lovely crystal necklace I brought from home.
This visit is a bit different.
Not quite as crowded, there are still drunken buffoons stumbling down Bourbon Street and women with no self-esteem ready to satisfy their every whim. And the jazz bands will always hit my heart with a beat that won't let go. However, now I must shield my sons' eyes from the girlie shows and avoid the after-7pm crowd. Just one beer this time and we rushed back to the hotel so my kids could swim before the Louisiana Skeeters come out to play.
There's also a sadness outside the town, despite billboards announcing, "We're Back!" and "Katrina Victims - Sue!"
More on that later.
>>They competed with each other to see who could flash the most frat boys.
Didn't have a problem showing the girls once or twice.<<
This thread is worthless without pics.
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