Monday, June 25, 2007

What Inspires You?

Barack Obama's campaign has rejected the money-for-influence game and refused to accept funds from registered federal lobbyists and political action committees.

Cutting off the flow of easy Washington money means they have to work harder. Instead of relying on a handful of powerful interests, Obama's team must bring together hundreds of thousands of supporters, each owning an individual piece of their movement.

From here on out, your stories and your passion will determine Barack Obama's success. When you make a donation, they want you to share what inspired you to join their movement. For the rest of the week, those stories -- including your story -- will drive the results.

Although I still haven't decided which candidate I'll be voting for, I'm inspired by Obama's energy, enthusiasm and commitment to progressive ideals. I'm also excited about his chance at making history.

Plus he's hot and was nice to my kids. So there's always that.

Donate now and share your inspiration.


At 6/26/2007, Blogger KleoPatra said...

We have a few good ones from which to choose this time around. Ain't America grand? FINALLY.

At 9/04/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If osama-bama felt like really he didn't want the lobbyist's money and influence he would be pushing the fair tax plan which cuts the balls off the special interest groups and forces the government to improve the economy to provide additional spending dollars for the government to pass out to their obligations. Hum... Government making decisions that help the economy and business all at once, sounds good to me.
Never gonna happen , makes too much sense (or is that cents).


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