Wild West, I Bearly Knew Ya.
I smiled and joked about signs warning residents of "bear sightings."
Then the other night, while we were all watching Casablanca, Becky says, all excited, "There's a bear on our porch!"
We scurry to the window and, sure enough, an adorable little cub is prowling around. I mumble,
"Where's Mama?"
Few seconds later, Mama arrives.
Adorable. And my kids can get used to playing inside. For the rest of their lives.
Yesterday I read about another encounter with a bear, this one deadly.
Now I'm pissed.
Look, I've never been a camper. Even at fifteen, I refused to take part in such an unnatural act. If God had meant for us to sleep outside, He never would have created the Hyatt.
Still. After all this bear shit, I want on the first flight back to civilization. Like now.
If it makes you feel any better, a 62-year old Wesley Chapel man was attacked by a rabid bobcat a couple of weeks ago. He managed to choke it to death before it did too much damage.
It so happens this happened about 10 houses down from where I'm currently living with the in-laws. As if I needed another reason to want to get out of there.
Probly just like an alligator, just a bit furrier. Toughen up.
Not exactly Tommy, bears will actually break into homes (note the part:"the aggressive bear knocked solid doors off hinges and broke through double-pane windows in its search for food."). Gators don't tend to stray terribly far from water(though not impossible of course) and are pretty much thwarted by a closed door. Though sometimes they do try to sneak in.
I still say Wesley Chapel and Tampa are not civilization (though Katie didn't imply either town WOULD be civilization)...
I mean, Kate's seen the natives first hand. Maybe she would rather be here because she knows thy enemy and she's still getting used to them (much larger, much more aggressive) out west...?
Then again, can you ever get used to a grizly bear living in yoru neighborhood?
Looks like a nice view of the mountains from your deck. Do you know what the elevation is at your home?
Say, uh, any bear relocation programs in the area?
Joel - I am stunned. Had no idea "bobcats" even existed in Florida, much less Wesley Chapel. I mean, not counting the ones that drink Busch and drive around without shirts on.
Tommy - Oh, that tough love I miss so much...
I'm with IFly and John - Bears are way scarier than gators. And at least I'm familiar with what to do if I see a gator. Bears? Not so much. Plus there was a reason I never wanted to live near a lake or pond in Florida.
RW - We're staying with friends at about 6500 ft. Friends and wild animals, that is.
probably just needed a hug.
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