Thursday, July 12, 2007

Assbag of the Week. Again.

Tucker Carlson has Barack Obama on the brain. Can't stop talking about him. Can't stop *thinking* about him.

Last week Tucker called him a wimp and now this:

While discussing Sen. Obama's speech in Fairfield , Iowa , on the July 6 edition of Tucker, Carlson asked: "How high is this guy? It's like, what is he -- he always talks between bong hits?" Carlson added: "Well, he sounds like a pothead to me."

There is simply no place for these juvenile attacks to be broadcast every evening on America 's cable news channels. If Tucker wants that kind of action, he ought to frequent online chat rooms like every other lonely American douchebag.

And as Americans, we have a right to both expect and demand more from our news outlets. The public deserves a productive debate about ideas and policies, not program after program of Tucker filled with relentless personal attacks, smears, and falsehoods.

Contact information:
One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, N.J. 07094
MSNBC contacts

Enough is enough. If I don't stand up for good taste and decorum - who will?


At 7/12/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe what he should have said is that Obama is .....

A fake.

A phoney.

A fad.

A f*cking disgrace.

But I wouldn't be too concerned about it, I mean, who watches Tucker Carlson. Hell, who watches Scarborough or KO or Wolfe Blitzer or Chris Matthews or any of these goofs on CNN and MSNBC? We'll throw in Stewart and Colburn in for good measure with them. Just look at the weekly ratings, they virtually have no viewers.

There are other political talk show hosts who get ratings, high ratings, ratings that are what these others get combined.

At 7/12/2007, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Yeah, Carlson is pretty much off the radar of most people at this point and his latest stunts are just that, stunts designed to get people talking about him again. After being eviscerated by Jon Stewart and then trashing what little was left of his credibility by going on Dancing With The Stars, people either see him as a joke or just not relevant. Even the boyish good looks and bow-tie affectation can't save him.

It's also telling that he apparently doesn't even know the meaning of the word "empathy".

At 7/12/2007, Blogger Danny said...

Yea, and Bill O'reilly led off his "show" talking about the San Diego Padres having a "gay day" at the stadium. All these news channels and hosts are completely worthless.

We have soldiers dying everyday in Iraq and O'reilly wants to talk about gays going to baseball games.

At 7/12/2007, Blogger kate said...

I hate to see this kind of talk on cable news - whether the guy has 10 viewers or 10 million.


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