Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Assbag of the Week

Robert Novak.

Although, I must say, when white men sit around and discuss the possibility of a female or African-American presidential candidate, someone is bound to say something stupid.

I want to hurl every time they chuckle at their own hilarity and/or brilliance. Tick tock, boys...


At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Except for the part about Republicans not having a chance in 2008, he's right about the woman and AA thing.

Look at it this way; are conservatives/Republicans going to vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton or Obama? No, neither are conservatives/Republicans. So you can automatically write off virtually half the voters right there. That leaves the liberals/Democrats to vote for Mrs. Bill or Obama. How many of them are not going to vote for them because they're either a woman or a black guy? Quite a few, more than the Dem party would like to admit. And then there's the more liberal Dems who view both as being "Republican-lite" some of whom will defect to a Nader type candidate.

But at this point, it's way too early in the game.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

rw -- the assinine part of your argument is associating Obama with Clinton in the assumption the democratic establishment (and the Republicans that your neo-con/wingnut base have alienated) wouldn't take a chance on. I can speak from person perspective that I wouldn't vote for Hillary because of her politics. If you make it "Mrs. Bill Clinton" she actually PICKS UP votes (...explaining why she defeats every Republican windbag in the polls). Last time America checked, we were doing better personally and socially in the 1990's than we are in the state-of-fear 2000's.

Which is a disturbing reason to vote for Pro-Iraq HRC.

Obama has run a campaign that preaches change of tone. Are you suggesting that the entirety of the Republican party couldn't see past his race? And a percentage of the Democrats as well?

Rudy Fredesco McRomney is held back, tied down and choked by the choices of the President they seem to need to endear themselves to to satisfy the base. Odds are (much like in Florida) one of the Republicans as President wouldn't nearly be as brutal to the welfare of the US as the current idiot at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but you wouldn't know it by what they are campaigning on.

Obama's biggest flaw is not standing up more often. Hillary's is that she's a Republican-lite in a Democratic Party. I'll vote for Obama if he gets the nominee. I'll look at 3rd parties if Hillary gets the nomination. A Bloomberg campaign could trump her and anyone that the Republicans suffer through.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>Are you suggesting that the entirety of the Republican party couldn't see past his race? And a percentage of the Democrats as well?<<

Nope, just the Dems. The majority of Repubs would rather vote conservative, which Obama is not. It's Dems fleeing voting for a woman or a black that kills their chances IMO.

And since we're going with "assinine," your belief that the Repub candidates are going to be damamged by Bush has no merit. For instance, I don't like all the things Bush has done either, but that doesn't carry over to the candidates running. This isn't like manbearpig who was veep during the Clinton years and carried the baggage of being part of that administration with him into the campaign. These guys can pick and choose where they can say they liked what Bush did, or half-way liked it but would have done this or that differently, or didn't like it at all.

Bloomberg may run but he'll be DOA.


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