Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Democrats - Make Me Proud

So, the U.S. Senate is pulling an all-nighter.

Let's see which elected officials are going to stand up in front of the American people and show us just how much they want to stay in Iraq. A few Republicans have started to say the right things, but we don't know whether they actually have the backbone to stand with the American people and vote the right way, and the threat of a filibuster gives them all the cover they need.

If those bastards filibuster - Democrats probably don't have the votes to stop them. But if Senate Republicans are against ending the war, then they should show it by voting against the legislation -- a straight-up-and-down vote on a bill that the majority of Americans support.

Are we a democracy or not?

Instead, neocons are threatening to block the vote, and Dems are going to force them to explain themselves in front of the American people.

Do me a favor - write a letter and fax it to your Senators instantly. Let them know all night long just how much opposition there is to the war in Iraq.

A handful of Republicans loyal to President Bush plan to block the bill even though a similar version passed in the House by a 223-201 margin last week. Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday that we need to give the troop escalation time because it is just beginning to "show signs of military success."

Bull. F*cking. Sh*t.

This is your chance to support our troops and bring them home. Sooner rather than later. So let's work together tonight.

For a change.


At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

It doesn't matter which party the president is from in 2008, we're not going to leave Iraq. For the Democrat end of the deal, they won't leave because when the place falls apart it'll have happened under their watch and they don't want that to happen. They're already viewed as having no backbone, which is an accurate description. But the excuse of "It was Bush's war, we can't be blamed" won't work, and they know it. America will have military bases in Iraq regardless.

At 7/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the place falls apart? It already fell apart, circa late 2003...under a Republican's watch.

At 7/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yea, and Mitch McConnell is a big douche. He was in the military for 5 months during Vietnam. By the time he learned how to put his uniform on, he was discharged for "medical reasons." He doesn't know military success from his ass.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

danny boy, you haven't seen fallen apart until you would see what would happen if we were to suddenly pull out of there at this time.

We aren't leaving as long as Bush is prez. My point being that if a Dem gets in the WH, they won't pull out either because they know they'll get blamed for whatever happens.

At 7/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RW you are correct. The Dems will be blamed. Blamed for ending the needless deaths of American troops. The blame for Iraq falling apart when the future Democratic president pulls our troops out however, will fall where it belongs. Squarely in the laps of the spineless Republican members of the Senate and the House who refuse to answer to the requests of the 70 plus precent of the American people who want our troops out of Iraq.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

anon- no doubt that'll be the argument, but it won't work. The Dems pull the troops, they'll get the blame, and they know it, so it won't happen.

Mark it down here and now, if a Dem becomes prez he won't pull the troops out of Iraq. Time will prove me right.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Danny said...

Our current mission in Iraq is useless.

I'm not asking for 100% troop withdrawal. I'm asking for at least 75% troop withdrawal with the rest moved to the borders and into Kuwait where we can train Iraqi Army/Police, safely.

At 7/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

The Democrats have the majority in Congress, they control the committees, they control the purse strings. Yet with all that, and with polls claiming that the majority want the military out of Iraq (70% was quoted above), they won't cut the funding for the war which effectively would end it, as you desire. That's all they have to do, cut the funding, and this huge majority they claim exists in the country would praise them for it. Letters and faxes and phone calls would be pouring in, parents would be naming their boys Harry and their girls Nancy, the approval rating for Congress would be sky-high.

But they don't.

Ever ask yourself "Why?"

Same with impeachment, they have the numbers to start all sorts of investigations and make a public spectical of them, yet they won't do it. And no, it's not because Nancy said they wouldn't. If what Bush has done is a crime, then it's a crime, and no promise to not convict a crime can be honored, and people would understand that. But they don't. Why?

At some point actually answering the question "why" is necessary to understand why the Dems continue to know they can shaft you and get away with it.

At 7/19/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

rw - What a fine grade of crystal your ball, singular, is. I'd love to see your comments from five years ago for some of your mark it down insights.
As for the plural, your preferred party hasn't a pair, and will wag their happy tails for Bush all the way out of office.
Did you look? Funny that's not in there.

At 7/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh tiny, don't cry. I stand behind everything I've said so far. You can C&P it if you like and if I'm wrong you can bring it to my attention at a later date, that doesn't bother me at all.

I do, however, find your deflection to be funny since it's the Dems who hold the majority and can to do whatever they want but who "hasn't a pair."

At 7/19/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

Sob, I'm sorry. You're the best.

By the way, how's that working out for ya?

At 7/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Money in the bank as always, thanks for asking.

Here's one you won't have to wait 5 years to see how I did. I already predicted that Mrs. Bill Clinton would win the Dem nomination. I'll add this: She won't pick Obama to be her Veep.

Give it a few months and let's see if I guessed right. If I missed it, you get an unimpeded swipe at me. It's a deal you can't lose.

At 7/19/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

I was referring more to the overconfident sentient cynical troll thing.

Your predictions are based on some imaginary cabal of Dems who are secretly going to keep us in Iraq forever is absolutely laughable. You've been hanging around your own party for too long. That the 51 votes yesterday that fail to back your thesis up is of no consequence to you. That the dems can't get by the abuse of constitutional procedures (cloture) and somehow can't ignore the rules is somehow a sign of weakness to you. You've become immune to lawlessness where the Constitution is involved and because the Dems won't sink to that nefarious level you also see that as some sort of weakness. Sorry they're not as childish and foolish to think two wrongs make a right and, they did it so it's OK if we do. Well, it's not OK.
You ask us to ask why, why, why? But you ask the wrong party, where the answers are a plenty.

Hillary, boy you really swung out far from the tree there given the current and past polls, but OK Karnac.

The last word I defer to you and your visions. I predict you'll take it. I hope to be proven wrong.

At 7/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

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