Friday, July 27, 2007

The "F" Word

My friend Dawn, from Tampa, recently posed some interesting questions.

1. Please define feminism and who in Tampa Bay you consider a feminist.
2. Who are the women you admire, such as a role model or community leader?
3. What do you feel is the biggest issue concerning women right now?

Here are my answers.

1. Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal - politically, socially, and economically. Right now feminism is a theory. Lots of women are working toward the reality, though, in between wine tastings and reruns of Sex and the City.

Most of my friends back in Florida are feminists - teachers, nurses, businesswomen, writers, political activists, full-time moms, and socialites. My mother is a nurse and taught me how to be a strong, independent feminist. She's also Catholic and pro-life. Which is part of why I'm such a big tent kind of girl.

And despite the fact that I now reside in Colorado Springs, I consider myself a Tampa Bay feminist, too.

2. I admire Bay-area community leaders like Phyllis Busansky and Pam Iorio, writers and activists like Dawn Morgan and Elizabeth Lucas. As far as role models, I admire all the Special Ed teachers at Sickles High School.

Plus my mom rocks - even though she doesn't read my site. Claims it upsets her stomach. I try to tell her it's all those dead animals she eats. But she doesn't listen to me either.

3. The biggest issue facing women is the lack of affordable health care. As a result, this is also the biggest issue facing our country.

Those are my thoughts.

Feel free to add your own two cents. Especially if you have breasts and a vagina.

Told you. Sites like mine are a great place to pick up chicks.


At 7/29/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smiling out loud!!!


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