Out in Left Field
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
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Looks like "hate" on both sides of the equation. I don't approve of the language either are using. They're telling him (if he's here illegally) that he broke the law and to go back from where he came. His "indigenous to this continent" comment is about as worthless as it gets. Get a Native American to sneak into Mexico illegally and then explain to one of their judges that it's OK because he's "indigenous to this continent" and let's see if he gets a better jail cell.
If someone is in the country illegally then that doesn't really spell "love of America and what it stands for" to me. What it says is "Screw your laws, I'll do whatever I want to do."
There are ways to enter this country legally. People who don't hate are those who show respect enough to obey those laws.
That video is just an example of why I don't like being involved in the immigration debate at all. The hatred, the prejudice, and both intolerance and tolerance on the issue.
I want to voice other things about this issue but that'd break my own rules about participating in this...
The anti-immigrant crew is ignorant at best, racist at worst. The guy with a camera, while brave and maybe indignant, is also slightly foolish. Because you can't win a pissing contest with a prick.
And they were plenty of pricks out there that day. So he basically just lowered himself to their level. And it showed.
>>The anti-immigrant crew is ignorant at best, racist at worst.<<
That's probably one of the most ridiculous things I've read you write.
First of all, that's a HUGE broadbrush to be using. Second of all, this isn't about anti-immigrant, this is about anti illegal immigrant. Big difference. Big. Get it right.
Let me ask you, who posted the video? Was it the guy with the camera? Probably. Or someone who helped him post it. What does that mean? That means he gets to decide what and how much of what he filmed gets to be shown. Notice the guy right at first who's calling him a racist? Who's to say the guy that filmed this didn't walk up, say a bunch of BS (racist or otherwise) to stir the hornets nest, and then sit back and act all innocent while still filming? You try and tell me that scenario isn't possible and I'm gonna tell you that you're nuts.
So no, this video that the one filming got to edit for his own purposes doesn't prove anything.
Wow. I write a lot of ridiculous things. So that statement says a lot.
I will give you this - The guy could have said a great many things before hitting "record." However, the reaction from people is a bit nuts and, from my own experience writing op-ed pieces about immigration and getting a rash of shit in return, not surprising.
Most people ranting about illegal immigrants are pissed because so many are coming from Mexico, Central and South America. That's what pisses them off.
Fear of a brown America.
>>Most people ranting about illegal immigrants are pissed because so many are coming from Mexico, Central and South America. That's what pisses them off.
Fear of a brown America.<<
I have no reason to believe that.
From what I've observed and from talking to people, they're PO'd because these people are coming in illegally and doing jobs at a cheaper wage than what they used to earn, among other things. I have yet to talk to anyone who told me they were unhappy with legal immigrants earning an income, I don't care where they came from. I'm willing to wager if these illegals were people who floated on rafts from Europe over here and were doing the same thing these people would be just as upset. No, nothing to do with "brown people."
You know, you're probably too young to remember the Teamster strikes in the 70's and how PO'd they were at the "scabs" who came in and worked their jobs while they were on strike. From their POV these were union jobs and either the union did them or all America stood still until they got their way. Different circumstances, but basically the same principle. From their POV these people are here illegally, taking jobs, using the social welfare system, etc..., things that they view as rightfully belonging to them.
I bet this film took place in California. They've been overrun and its breaking the bank out there. Yeah, they're pretty pissed about having to pay their taxes to support people who aren't even here legally, so I understand their frustration and I can't say that I blame them at being PO'd.
kate - Just to clarify that I have no doubt you received letters in response to your op-eds that were out of place as you have described. But when I said "I have no reason to believe that," I was referencing that I don't believe that what you received speaks for the majority of those who are anti illegal immigration for the reasons I have mentioned.
There are some reasoned arguments out there, no question about it. Reasoned arguments I happen to disagree with, but reasoned nonetheless. Still. The racists are there too. And loud. And worrisome.
That is all.
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