Freedom Means Choice
Fred Thompson is about to join a cadre of candidates who are clamoring to out anti-choice each other.
Mitt Romney has said, "I am pro-life and I support pro-life legislation.... I think the Roe v. Wade one-size-fits-all approach is wrong."
Sen. John McCain, who has voted anti-choice 123 times out of 128 votes on choice, has said "I do not support Roe v. Wade. I think it should be overturned."
And Sen. Sam Brownback has gone so far as to promise that he "will commit to helping end abortion in America...."
Don't be fooled - Fred Thompson is no better. During his seven years in the U.S. Senate, he voted anti-choice 44 times out of 46 choice-related issues. He has called Roe v. Wade "bad law" and received a 100 percent voting record from the National Right to Life Committee.
Anything can happen between now and the nomination, so stay up-to-date about where the presidential candidates stand on women's freedom and privacy.
Was there some question on Yee-Hawllywood's stance on reproductive rights issues? On the few issues he's actually offered a current stated position, he's followed a fairly typical hard-right conservative line. His benighted stances on health care alone are enough to make me see him as merely a stunt candidate.
Run, Fred, Run!!
I like the guy. Need a real Reagan conservative on the ballot.
Anger and disgust. Cool! Do it again.
Ah, yes, a "Reagan Conservative". Translation: Some actor who will do nothing for eight years, but at least make us feel good about it. Still, I guess even that would be an improvement on the national mismanagement we've had since 2000.
There are better conservative candidates out there.
And projection all on the same thread. Pretty good.
Aww, don't go all Mister-Poopy-Drawers, RW. At least I'm giving your boy two terms.
And projection? Ha! You're a hoot.
What are you talking about, son? I know exactly what I'm seeing and it's the same thing I've seen for years and years now. But it continues to be amusing.
Do carry on.
Actually, RW, I don't think you do, but you go right ahead and think whatever you like and have a wonderful weekend.
Oooooooo..... condescending eletist attitude on top of everything else. Ole Fred really gets the ole juices flowing from the left. This has been a good day.
You thought that was eletist [sic], RW? How odd. When I think elitist, I wouldn't think wishing someone a wonderful weekend would qualify. I certainly don't want to be an eletist [sic] though, and since you seem to not be an elitist, I guess I'll just have to take your "word" on it.
Oh cool, and a spelling Nazi to boot. Boy, you are a real find!!
Thompson was hired by a family planning group to lobby congress in FAVOR of international abortion rights and canceling the 'Mexico City' policy set in place during the catastrophic Reagan years. He met with the group and contacted John Sununu (Sr.) on their behalf according to statements in the press this week.
Thompson did not deny any of it, instead claiming that "if" he met with them it was as a rep of his law firm only, but he didn't "recall" any of it. Convenient.
I can take a man who has convictions different than mine and even one who whores themself out from time to time, but a poilitician claiming to occupy the moral highground who betrays his convictions to make a few more dollars? He is a dick.
I like him on Law and Order though.
"I can take a man who has convictions different than mine and even one who whores themself out from time to time, but a poilitician claiming to occupy the moral highground who betrays his convictions to make a few more dollars? He is a dick.
I like him on Law and Order though."
- Sums him up 100%.
With Bush brought on the introduction of BDS, so it appears as though Thompson will bring on TDS. I'll certainly enjoy watching this as the entertainment provided never ends.
You talk about choice. Choices have consequences though. Our current social security system is in shambles because there will not be enough young workers to pay into the system for all the baby boomers. Statistics show that we really need another 35-40 million young workers paying taxes to fill this gap, and that only the massive amount of immigration will help. I find it sadly ironic that 35-40 million is the approximate number of babies aborted since Roe v Wade. Our actions do have consequences.
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