Friday, July 06, 2007

Fun Conversations With My Sister

She lives in Denver and so we get to see more of each other. One of the benefits of living in Colorado.

One of two.

We still talk on the phone every day. And this one's a gem.

Me: I'm thinking of tutoring once school starts. It's a good way to earn extra money.

Sister: That's a great idea and one of the reasons I started a consulting business. Just picked up a few extra clients. Seventy-five dollars an hour, we certainly can't make that in the classroom.

Me: Right. Ummm, I'm thinking more like $50 an hour.

Sister: Yeah, I used to charge $50.

(long pause)

Sister: Before I got my *master's degree*...

(wait for it, wait for it, wait for it)

Sister: Dumbass.

(Of course, she didn't call me a dumbass out loud. But, as the older child, I am gifted with a bit of the ESP and could hear her calling me a dumbass in her head.)

(Plus it makes for a funnier ending.)


At 7/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What sort of consulting business?

At 7/07/2007, Blogger kate said...

She's like super nanny - helping parents to be better parents, prepared for school, that kind of stuff.

She rocks. Quite honestly. Should probably charge more. ;-)


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