Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm Pissed

About the health care crisis in this country.

I'm disappointed that none of the top contenders for the Democratic nomination have come out in support of HR 676.

I wrote the following to each candidate:

I will only support the candidate who calls for universal health care. Take the profit and private insurance companies OUT of the equation. Are you beholden to them or pharmaceutical companies? Prove you are not - call for a single payer system and free care for all. Prove you're on our side by supporting HR 676. It's about time.

I am encouraging everyone to write their own message (or cut and paste mine) and send it to the following candidates:

John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson

I will not support a candidate that does not call for universal health care. If that means I support a third-party candidate, so be it.

Oh, wait. Dennis Kucinich co-authored HR 676.

And he's talking about other issues like Iraq and global warming in a way that makes sense.

And he's the only one.

And he's running for President.

And should not be shut out of the debates.

Michael Moore is right - the only way to get Hillary and John and Barack to support our ideas is to demand it. So *demand it.* And in the meantime throw some support behind Kucinich - and a couple bucks, too.

Seems he's the only one out there on our side.


At 7/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presidential elections, unfortunately, are not decided by the by the best positions or the best candidates. The winner usually is the one who raises the most money to get out the most propaganda. Is it comforting to know that the next president will be the most accomplished panhandler?

At 7/15/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>...and free care for all...<<


At 7/15/2007, Blogger kate said...

Do you want to live in a country that takes care of its sick people or don't you?

That's what it comes down to.

At 7/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one, Kate.

Hillary Clinton won't even list specifics regarding her plan for health care and the others-well they intimate the health care crisis will be addressed toward the end of their first term.

That's not good enough.

Check out my Advair Can Go F**k Itself post on Smashed Frog.

Hold our candidates accountable.

John Conyers is also a sponsor of H.R. 676...:)

At 7/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did as you requested and sent the following to each of the candidates.

"I am in favor of a national health plan that is publicly funded and covers everyone. I will only vote for a candidate that supports such a system. I call on you to support HR 676 so private insurers can no longer profit from the sick and bankrupt among us. Take a stand, today!"

I will pay attention to Dennis Kucinich and consider him for my vote.

At 7/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, OK - I definitely agree w/you on this point. Count me in on the emails!

At 7/15/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

You mean if a sick person in this country goes to the emergency room they'll be forced to leave?

What it comes down to is being honest in one's statements. Single-payer healthcare would never be "free," so why say it is? When you say something that's so glaringly innacurate it calls into question the post itself.

And if I had a dollar for every lib I read who was going to break ranks and vote third party over the Dems supporting or not supporting their particular pet cause I'd have many, many, many Washington's.

At 7/15/2007, Blogger kate said...

Fine. Poo-poo me all you want. But *I've* never broken ranks with the Dems or threatened to until now. And I believe that counts for something.

And I'm not alone. I'm reading and talking with lots of people here and back home who are angry about the current state of affairs and humiliated we live in a country where HMOs profit from the sick and bankrupt. Goader's right on.

So call into question whatever you want - I stand behind every word. You're nitpicking instead of addressing the real issue - a health care system that's broken and harming and killing too many of us. The poor aren't expendable, rw, and it's high time we fixed it.

At 7/16/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Well kate, I'm not going to go into all of your post in which I disagee, but I've never said the healthcare system doesn't need to be reviewed by the American people to see how it can be improved, I just said I'm not overly anxious to have Big Brother take care of me from cradle to grave. I've generally found throughout history that when you hand over to gov't a portion of your freedoms, economically or otherwise, you tend to not ever get them back and the gov't isn't satisfied until they have more. Yeah, "slippery slope" that all too often I've heard people on the left claim I shouldn't be concerned about unless, of course, it's their pet issue where they're worried that the gov't is overstepping its boundries, then it's different.


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