Thursday, July 05, 2007

Step 2: Invite Seven People to Join

Last week I joined this 7-step climate change campaign with Greenpeace. We are starting with lightbulbs, but it's about energy efficiency generally. You should join:

Click here to sign up.

Greenpeace proposes an "Energy Revolution" to save the world from catastrophic climate change. Half of it is about saving the power we use. And this campaign is about people like us helping to outlaw products that waste energy. Every week, for seven weeks, Greenpeace sends out an email with instructions how to campaign effectively for energy efficiency.

Every ton of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere, every coal burning power plant built and every energy wasting lightbulb installed makes it harder for us to stop climate change. Each one is one more thing we'll need to undo. Better to do it right the first time.

Let's start an energy revolution!

I hope you'll join me today: Click here to sign up!


At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I'll let you in on a dirty little secret about global warming. Keep it under your hat because it's the one thing that is really driving the situation:

The United States operates at a negative carbon cycle.

That is to say, the United States actually sucks up more carbon than it emits. Scientists are not sure why this is. The best guess (scientists are sometimes reduced to guessing when they don't know and can't get a budget to study) is that it has to do with all the excess planting of forests and crops. These actually take some carbon from the air. Recent research is showing that the North Atlantic Ocean is one of two major carbon sinks on the planet (a "sink" being something for "draining" something). Oceans can hold approximately 70 times the carbon in gaseous form than the atmosphere.

[If you want more info, try Science magazine:]
I'm not paying for an old article - read it yourself]

If the US agrees to make everyone liabel for their "carbon footprints" the US will will have the only population which will be able to sell carbon credits. This is why the Dems are fully behind the global warming legislation - it funnels more money to them.

I've learned with the left to always follow the money.

At 7/06/2007, Blogger kate said...

Now I've heard it all.

Thanks for giggles so early in the morning.

At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Did you not read the Science magazine article? I'm guessing not.

At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Dangit, I missed this gem:

"...helping to outlaw products..."

Now THAT'S what I call freedom. Let's all wave the flag.

At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

CFL Bulbs Have One Hitch: Toxic Mercury

The Environmental Protection Agency and some large business, including Wal-Mart, are aggressively promoting the sale of compact fluorescent light bulbs as a way to save energy and fight global warming. They want Americans to buy many millions of them over the coming years.

But the bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, a neurotoxin, and the companies and federal government haven't come up with effective ways to get Americans to recycle them.

"The problem with the bulbs is that they'll break before they get to the landfill. They'll break in containers, or they'll break in a dumpster or they'll break in the trucks. Workers may be exposed to very high levels of mercury when that happens," says John Skinner, executive director of the Solid Waste Association of North America, the trade group for the people who handle trash and recycling.


At 7/06/2007, Blogger kate said...

First I hear the other day that organic, even certified organic, isn't really organic. Now this.


Well, the entire article did seem in favor of CFLs even though they aren't perfect. So it comes down to a question of which product does the least amount of harm? Each family has to decide for itself. I'll be using them and pushing for better and more effective recycling.

Thanks for the info.

At 7/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

No problem. It'd be kinda ironic for those who believe they're doing a good thing to get sick from mercury poisoning. I mean, I don't agree with any of this global warming/global cooling stuff but I don't want any of you to get hurt.


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