Friday, July 27, 2007

Tell EPA To Cut Smog Pollution

Smog pollution is a serious danger to the health of millions of Americans.

But, the EPA has recently proposed to only marginally strengthen smog standards and has even inexplicably left the door open to leaving the standards unchanged.

Take action: Tell the EPA to strengthen air quality standards to protect millions of Americans from exposure to dangerous levels of smog pollution.


At 7/27/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


They are proposing changes, probably not enough, but huge change demands over a short period of time would be economically devastating. Gradual changes are good, but not Bush like gradual, Im talking 3% per year gradual. He tends to propose 1% gradual per year.

Crist down here in FL is proposing radical changes to the carbon emissions, and it will in fact cripple our economy, raise our electric rates by around 50%, raise the cost of new home building by 10K or more, when the builders cant even make a profit at the current rate, among other things.

Like I said, 3% gradual is better. If Crist said 20% more efficient within 10 years PER CAPITA, that would be feasible, considering we will add 4 million people by then. But just cutting 20% from today is not feasible. And the first 20%-30% is much easier than the next 20%, it gets exponentially harder with deeper cuts.

Im just sayin... you know what im saying.


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