Tell Home Depot to Pull Out of the Fox Hole
A grassroots coalition of environmental, religious, and activist groups has launched a campaign to expose Fox network's skewed and inaccurate coverage of global warming. The campaign, led by the Sierra Club, Brave New Films, and Civic Action, includes a YouTube video called Fox Attacks: The Environment that exposes Fox's pattern of misinformation, and an online petition.
Yes, folks, Fox continues to suck.
What can you do about it? Plenty, as it turns out. One of Fox's major advertisers, Home Depot, is a company that says it cares about the environment. That's why Sierra Club is petitioning them to pull their ads.
Either Home Depot does or does not care about the fate of our planet and people. If they do, they shouldn't advertise with those that don't.
kate - just out of interest do you trust what you hear and/or read on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, AAR, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, and the Boston Globe when it comes to accurately portraying the news?
I believe in accessing different media to get a full picture of what's happening out there.
That said - I only fully trust The Daily Show.
That also said - I watch Fox to learn about how the other side sees things. Same reason I listen to Rush and Dr. Laura and my dad.
So you fully trust the news you get from a show on Comedy Central. That's interesting.
I'll make a request that you revisit this once Home Depot decides if they're going to agree to this. I'm betting they won't.
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