Saturday, July 14, 2007

They Can't Wait to Kill Our Wolves

We all know how Bush, and especially Cheney, love shooting things. And people. Well, late last week, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration announced a new proposal that could lead to widespread regional killing of gray wolves.

On Friday, July 6th, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began a 30-day comment period on its latest outrageous proposals, plans that would sanction the killing of more than 700 wolves in the Yellowstone area and parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, including wolves protecting their pups on National Forest lands and Wilderness areas.

We're not talking about *our* home, peeps. We're talking about *their* home.

The proposal would set the stage for aerial gunning of wolves in Wyoming and Idaho and clear the way for the extermination of three out of four wolves in the Lolo area of Idaho’s Clearwater National Forest, a plan that had been shelved after more than 41,000 wildlife supporters spoke out against it.

Under this latest proposal, these and other wolves could be killed, even if gray wolves in the Northern Rockies remain protected under the Endangered Species Act. The proposal comes even as federal officials are reviewing the hundreds of thousands of public comments submitted in opposition to the Administration’s plan to eliminate Endangered Species Act Protections for gray wolves in the Northern Rockies.

We only have until Monday August 6th to speak out against these proposals, so please send your message today.


At 3/14/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and your fellow liberals make me sick. Poor wolves. Who will help the stop the killing of the wolves. You show so much concern and passion for wolves, while ignoring the fact that your party has sponsored the killing of over 35 milling babies in the this country alone. That is why I can never vote Democrat. They seem to place a higher value of life on wolves, birds, insects, and other manner of lower life than they do on human beings. I'm sorry, insects and other animals are not on the same level as humans, and I will not ascribe values or rights to them that you and your fellow Democrats deny to infants.


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