Boobie-Thon 2007: Our Racks Will Be Back
Lookin' at my Gucci, it's about that time.
Can you believe almost a year has passed since the girls made their on-line debut? Lots of changes, Old Max. Lots of changes. What shall I do for this year's photo posting...
-- Perhaps a western theme?
-- Some Democratic candidates to support; Edwards stickers anyone?
-- Plus there's the whole "new and improved" angle.
One thing hasn't changed: breast cancer continues to kill.
So until there is a cure, I will do my part to help the cause.
You're welcome.
Any ideas for a photo shoot? I'm listening...
Maybe a flashback with wine and Hagen Das?
Apparently getting your ta-tas out near a glacier is big at the moment. Perhaps aim them soulfully at an ice cube or something?
Or maybe celebrity rehab?
Nude tree hugging.
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