Monday, August 06, 2007

Danger Ahead: Back to School Shopping

Will re-post this every year until we stop seeing stain and (now) water-resistent clothing.
Buying clothes for my children is frustrating.

Stain and wrinkle-resistant pants and shorts are everywhere and I'm alarmed
at the lack of alternatives.

Right. I'm one of those parents.

I serve healthy organic food, sing John Lennon lullabies, restrict
television use, and play newspaper games with my kids called "Let's Find the Bad
Republican." I'd love to wrap them in hemp bags, but school uniforms are the way
to roll right now. Fine. Just keep carcinogens out of the fabric.

Clothing for kids should not be coated in chemicals.

Please contact Target or The Children's Place and demand that healthier options be
offered as well.

Better safe than sorry.


At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

See, here's an opportunity for someone or some company to fill a particular need by producing clothing that doesn't contain carcinogens. If there's enough demand for the product then Target, Wal-Mart, etc... will carry it since they are in the business of making money.

If these stores aren't carrying it currently, either they are unaware of the high demand for such products (unlikely, if it is in fact the case) or the demand just isn't there to make it profitable for them and those who desire such clothing will either need to order it through speciality shops or buy the material and sew their own clothes.

Problem solved.

At 8/06/2007, Blogger kate said...

See, this is where you start to piss me off.

There is something unethical about creating products that are harmful. Tests NOT funded by DuPont show that these products are bad for the environment and harmful to our health. Therefore, it is downright IMMORAL to coat children's clothes in such poison and sell them to the public with no warnings whatsoever. How many parents are aware? Not many. Teflon has been publicized as bad up the wazoo and still people purchase products containing the shit.

I do not think I'm beyond the boundaries of reason to call on consumers to request more of a choice regarding Target and The Children's Place.

Capitalist society and all...

But no self-respecting, compassionate Christian can call himself such while raping God's world and harming God's children. And if you aren't part of the solution, you are most certainly part of the problem.

Now go in peace to love and serve the Lord.


At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't really care what other people believe regarding how a Christian should see things, or behave, or anything else for that matter. You can believe whatever you want; I know it's inaccurate so it holds no weight. There's really no reason to bring religious beliefs into the discussion.

I don't really care if someone believes something to be a problem when I know it's not.

We see it differently, but you want me to change and see it your way because otherwise I'm "part of the problem," and OTOH I don't care if you change or not. Do you see me on here wanting you to change because you're going to extremes over things I view as not even being an issue? No, I have no need to attack you. You, on the other hand..........

What you've got to learn is just because *you* find this issue to fall a certain way doesn't mean others do. People can make their own decisions on what fabrics to wear, inform themselves, do what they believe is best. This is not even close to being a moral issue and I have no reason to treat it that way, so I won't.

By all means, ask these stores to carry the product. I never discouraged doing that at all. If they don't, that's their call. I'm betting they won't, and the reason I'm betting they won't is because there's no market justifying it or they would already be doing it. However, there's places you can buy material that fits your desire and the clothes can be sewn. So I guess it's just a matter if it's important enough to someone that they're willing to go the extra mile.

I suppose another solution would be to have the self-appointed intelligensia in this coutry dictate to the rest what they can and can't purchase or what stores can and can't carry. Of course that would involve trusting a group of self-appointed intelligensia who are anything but what they view themselves as being. No, thanks.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you...I think it just wrong to put poison in my children clothing. I also despise trans-fat in their food and guns in their schools and yes...I would support laws to change this. No you cant control what people choose to wear, eat whatever...stupidity never ceases to amaze me!!! So at the very least provide options for parents who choose to not endanger the lives of their children...the lack of options is appalling!!!
And just to not everything has to be profitable what about doing something just because it is the right thing to do....why would anyone ever put teflon in provide a anti-stick surface...whose stupid idea was this to begin with....and just because the sheep follow the flock without thinking for themselves does NOT make it an okay thing to do!!

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>So at the very least provide options for parents who choose to not endanger the lives of their children.<<

They do have options for parents who wanna purchase with this particular belief system. It's called speciality businesses and/or buying the material you approve and sewing. Go for it.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW you really have all the answers don't you...okay you come take care of my 3 kids, do the laundry, the cooking, the dishes, the shopping, pick up the toys, bath them, read to them.... in addition to manage my business while I take sewing lessons to sew clothes for my children because the industry is unwilling to do the right thing...or why not drop a few thousand in money depleted pocketbook so I can pay ridiculous amounts of money for specialty clothes that should not be special because as said one needs teflon in their their clothes... deal?

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm seeing some complaining because it seems demand isn't high enough to warrant companies manufacturing ready-to-wear clothes to fit your needs or that stores don't have enough customer demand to carry the product.

However given what a caring and concerned parent you are, I'm confident the extra time, money and effort it'll take to make sure Johnny and Susie don't fall over dead from wearing harmful clothing is well worth it to you.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really don't get it do you!!! It is a shame there are people out there like you.

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I feel your pain.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something needs to be done about these evil corporations poisoning our food, our children, our pets, our grand parents, our chakras.

I walk around in a daze most of the time because of all the RF interference from cellular towers dotting the landscape, not to mention all the high tension power lines through our communities. Studies are just now being published that shows these things cause all sorts of medical conditions in humans yet we continue to destroy ourselves.

I won't own a cell phone. They are not only unhealthy and cause brain tumors, but they feed a massive network of corporations. Who in their right might would pay $100+ a month to a corporation to feed an addiction to chatting non-stop??!?! It's insanity.

No, I don't want unnatural dyes and chemicals in my clothing or my children's clothing. If these rethugs with their gas guzzling SUV's want to poison their children, that's fine. But we can't allow them to do it to ours. It's time we take this country back and move it towards a holistic society that's more progressive. Why is it that Europe is so far ahead of us in so many ways?

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you go girl! speaking truth to power is the ONLY Way these rethugs will get the message!

this is why DENNIS KUCINICH is our only hope - he understands kids clothing issues!!!

At 8/06/2007, Blogger kate said...

I hope whomever is upset at such practices that target (pun intended) the uninformed will let these companies know it's unacceptable.

Use the power of the pocketbook - for it's the only way to see the change we desire.

Thanks for all you do.

Oh, and rw? Suck it.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dalia said...

WOW you really have all the answers don't you...okay you come take care of my 3 kids, do the laundry, the cooking, the dishes, the shopping, pick up the toys, bath them, read to them.... in addition to manage my business while I take sewing lessons to sew clothes for my children because the industry is unwilling to do the right thing...or why not drop a few thousand in money depleted pocketbook so I can pay ridiculous amounts of money for specialty clothes that should not be special because as said one needs teflon in their their clothes... deal? >>

So you are saying this isn't important enough to you to put some of your own activities aside to make sure YOUR children are safe, but a faceless organization should have the consideration for YOUR children that you apparently do not? SWEET! I love when an issue is of extra super importance, so long as an individual doesn't have to do any hard work in the pursuit of some greater good.

BTW, the first order of business with leadership(and you have to be one when you are seeking change) is to have the courage to practice your vision yourself. If making clothes for your children that make them safer is too much trouble and time, what inspires anyone else to think it really is a noble effort? Just something to mull over.

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>Something needs to be done about these evil corporations poisoning our food, our children, our pets, our grand parents, our chakras.<<

My chakra has been feeling very sluggish lately and now I know why. Thanks, Hsur!

>>Oh, and rw? Suck it.<<

So you've got nothing left but ad hominem attacks. Nice.

This isn't the classroom where young skulls of mush hang on your every word as though you have all the answers. Either you can handle disagreement without making it personal or you can't. What's it going to be? Because I told you via e-mail when I first found your site that if you don't want me here just say the word.

I have to admit I find it funny that you get all bent out of shape over my intial post which did nothing but point out that if the demand existed that this was a perfect opportunity for someone to step up to the plate and provide the product. Short of that happening, then the availability of buying the material and sewing the clothes was also an option, so it's not like it's a dead end street for the consumer.

At 8/07/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

The point that your sanctimonious opinion misses and what others here are trying to get through to you is that there are other parameters to your narrowly focused premise - which is simple supply and demand. (for your enjoyment here is the sanctimonious part cause I know you don't see it: you strongly assert as fact, and you can parse all you want, that there is a smidgen of demand, this is when you assume the form of an assbag).
What Kate and others are trying to show you other than the seemingly obvious yet hard to grab concept of actual show of demand is that there is broader scope to the issue, like environment and long term health effects on the unsuspecting. When you then feign indifference you assume the form of super assbag. This entails you donning tights and a cape and a supermanesque "A" emblazoned on your chest or better yet a belt. You also miss the part about people not even knowing what they're buying. As an aside, other issues apply to this concept of broad scoped discussion. How many serious drug and chemical recalls have there been in your lifetime? I'll start with ddt.
But more importantly there is more to issues and change than supply and demand. When you refuse to allow any attempt to interject VERY relevant information to the argument it is you that can't handle the disagremment. You then have no claim to playing the victim. When you do that, well you assume some form of assbagery that likens only to some indescribable singularity. Frightening.
Supply and demand? Blacks were prevented from patronizing "white" establishments. That was wrong.
Other parameters.

At 8/07/2007, Blogger kate said...

Dalia - my girl is wicked smart!

And is tiny always right? Yes, I do believe he/she is. And I like it that way.

rw - I don't want you to take your ball(s) and go home. I appreciate you putting forth a point here cause, let's face it, Rush Limbaugh ain't checking in and I like to know how to other side thinks. Please try to appreciate the fact that ad hominem attacks, name calling and general passive aggressive good times have a home here as well. Big fan!


At 8/07/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8/07/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Overall I'm seeing a lot of "I see things a certain way and others should too and the world needs to conform to the way I believe it should be and revolve around me and if it doesn't then we need to pass laws to MAKE people do what we want them to do because we know what is best for the serfs out there that are too stupid to know what's best for them." Quite frankly it's something I continually see on a lot of liberal blogs and pol sites and if you haven't found out yet it's just not going to happen, and there's a reason for that.

I'm also seeing on this topic an unspoken but evident "These stores should carry this product because it would be more convenient for me and probably cost me less." A worthy cause, and unless these stores know that the demand is there they certainly have no reason to carry it, so by all means give it a go. But no store is going to carry something just because you believe "it's the right thing to do." That's not reality.

dalia - Talk about self righteous ass, you're the one who claims that industry should do all these things because *you* beleive it is a concern. Well guess what? *You* don't get to be the one who decides. Just because *you* believe it is harmful doesn't mean that it really is. Nobody cares if *you* think others who don't see it as you do are stupid.

In the meanwhile, short of making the time to purchase the clothes or material from places you believe offer the product you want (since it is sooooooo important), I guess you'll be buying clothes of death to wrap around your children.

tiny - I think circles around you without even trying, and I'm not going to pretend that's not the case. Your ability to reason on the same level as I do does not exist. You are so far beneath me I can't even see you down there. I realize you view yourself as nuianced and intelligent. But you're a fucking idiot and a giant DNC talking point and my only regret is that I can't be there in person and say it to your face (should I be able to stand your halitosis) because I would throughly enjoy doing that.

You've said nothing I haven't already addresed. Nothing. If you could comprehend what I wrote you'd have already noticed that.

>>concept of actual show of demand is that there is broader scope to the issue, like environment and long term health effects on the unsuspecting<<

I clearly noted that it is up the the individual to determine whether they find these "issues" worthy of concern. Are you able to comprehend that?

>>You also miss the part about people not even knowing what they're buying.<<

I clearly noted it's up to the individual to educate themselves on what they are purchasing. Are you able to comprehend that?

You know, some of you libs get into this "We have to be the protectors of others because they just don't know what's best for them if they know anything at all and we need gov't to make sure they get what they need, etc...." I used to be a liberal Democrat so I know the mantras: we feel guilty because we have more; they aren't smart enough to know what's best for them, we're the best and brightest the world has to offer and we have an obligation to create laws to make sure others comply with what we know is best. Yeah, I remember all the back room talks. What was missed in all that it was it never occured to anyone that maybe other people don't really need and definately don't want others looking out for them on a daily basis. Helping people is one thing. Creating a situation where they become dependant on the gov't to supply their every need is cruel. They don't need you to tell them what clothes to buy for themselves or their families. They are perfectly capable of finding out information and deciding on their own.

>>But more importantly there is more to issues and change than supply and demand<<

OK, well you go tell these manufacturers and retail outlets that they need to produce and carry something which will take as much time on the production line and fill up the same amount of square footage of their store but will bring a lower profit because it's the right thing to do from your point of view. And you need to strongly grasp that's all it is; your point of view. I don't see you out there trying to start the new K-Mart, Wal-Mart or Target and experimenting with this "there is more to issues and change than supply and demand" marketing concepts of yours. Talk is cheap. By all means, put your money where you mouth is. Let me know how that works out.

Get this through that lump sitting idle between your shoulders; successful commerce *is* supply and demand. Stores aren't going to stock a product because some left-wing dweeb believes "it's the right thing to do." What they ARE going to do is politely listen to your suggestion/complaint about "doing the right thing," smile and nod and tell you they'll consider your suggestion, and then laugh at you after you leave. As they should.

Here, let me give you another clue. kate wrote "Please contact Target or The Children's Place and demand that healthier options be offered as well." As the owner and operator of a very, very successful finance business for the last 20 years, I assure you that if a customer contacts me "demanding" anything, it's going straight to File 13, it will not pass Go, it will not collect $200. Reminds me of these fools over at sites like DU who say "Call and demand that Congress blah, blah, blah..." Yeah, well I demand a pony. Doubt I'll get one.

>> When you refuse to allow any attempt to interject VERY relevant information to the argument it is you that can't handle the disagremment.<<

Projection on your part. I know it's difficult for you to hear there are alternatives for those who don't wish to buy the clothing sold at Target, etc... But there are.

Now I don't know what it is with you but you continue to follow me around on this board like you've got some weird hard-on for me. I highly doubt I'll respond to you very much at all since you're a complete dolt and not much of a challenge.

kate - In the same light I'm here because I don't listen to Randi Rhodes yammer and I too like to know the other side. But I'm not going to get into the "ad hominem attacks, name calling" thing with you because there's no point in me doing that. This is your turf and I just won't.

At 8/07/2007, Blogger kate said...

Out of that whole thing, you know what I heard? Something about Randi Rhodes.

She's hot.

At 8/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rw---you are so uninformed it is many studies need to be published that over and over again state: teflon is pans...teflon is not good no matter where it is. Can that be hamered enough into your thick head!! It is not just me stating this fact but research after research states it as well!!! Clearly I feel so sorry for your children if you have any...such a precious gift and clearly you could care less about their health.
So far...I have read a lot of things about what could/should change to make this a better place for our children. You (rw) have said nothing useful at all...let overworked, under appreciated mothers work harder by learning to sew and make clothes for their is that making this world a better place? We are voicing ideas/thoughts/opinions on making this world healthier for all of have contributed nothing to that end. You suck!!!
Peace out baby...I am done with you!!

At 8/07/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

kate- the only part addressed to you was the final paragraph. Randi's a kook. I thought you weren't into "Bush planned and carried out 9/11, they're out to put us in concentration camps" conspiracy theory stuff.

dalia - I don't care that you believe anyone is uninformed. You are not the standard. Research goes both ways on any issue. You know, at least two sides to every issue thing. At some point in your life you need to accept that others can examine the evidences for themselves and reach a different conclusion than do you.

And anyone who goes around claiming I don't care about my children is a complete nut.

At 8/07/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

I think he likes ad hominem now.

I eat breath mints like you for breakfast.

At 8/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush did plan 19/11 and he did cover up the fact there were bombs in the buildings that brought them down, not airplanes.

Bush has dinner with the Bin Laden family. Bush botches Bin Ladens capture. Bush feeds the oil companies and Haliburton with no bid contracts. He is also a deserter. He's probably killed people while drunk driving but it was swept under the rug by his handlers. Oh yeah, he's a lush too.

How many people have to die for this fabricated war?

We need to send him white light, it's all that will help now. Congress is to scared of his cartel to do anything about it. WHITE LIGHT!

At 8/07/2007, Blogger Danny said...

Don't forget that Laura Bush killed a person with her car too.

At 8/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was blogging along and found this one. I am fearful of the precedent set on this site. It appears that attacks are made on the person who presented an idea, concept or data instead of debating same. So please respond to me as a non threatening entity.

I am very sensitive to my health and the environment's health. I am seeking a home, transportation device and clothing that is best for both. Please advise

At 8/08/2007, Blogger kate said...

Well, according to rw - build, manufacture, and sew your own home, car, and clothes. Or buy the crap that's being offered.

Oh, and those scientists who warn us of environmental and health risks? Bunch of knowitall assholes who are trying to think for the rest of us.

Now pass him a beer!

Commies - every last one of 'em.

Hope that helps!

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry I do not drink beer, I do not think that is healthy.
not sure if I can build, manufacture and sew anything.
I find it disheartening that everything I do goes against what I so strongly believe.

At 8/08/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Since we're playing that game...

According to kate - write and demand they do something, and in the meanwhile don't make the effort to purchase alternative products from elsewhere and do what is necessary to satisfy you own peculiar wants and needs because industry owes it to everyone to do the right thing according to what the left deems to be the right thing.

And ignore scientific reports that don't agree with your predetermined position while refusing to recognize that it's actually possible for different people to view the same evidences on a particular subject and reach different conclusions.

Corporate plutocrats - every last one of them.

And I don't drink either, but no doubt someone else does - heavily.

Now, to answer your question:

>>I am very sensitive to my health and the environment's health. I am seeking a home, transportation device and clothing that is best for both. Please advise.<<

Meet George Jetson. His boy, Elroy. Daughter, Judy. Jane, his wife.

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am beginning to think that no one has an answer. I will offer what I do that strongly supports my beliefs on health and environment. I have a bicycle style power generator to run my computer. (saves electricity and provides exercise simultaneously).

After years of having similar discussions with my friends I became so conflicted with what I actually do everyday with what I so strongly believed that I and everyone else should do.
It was almost like I was chasing windmills.

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just thought of a recent example of the confliction. A friend of mine flew into town - he lives 3000 miles from me. He and I of course talked about the environmental woes. He was telling me his strong held beliefs that people should not pollute the air with their transportation devices.
I asked him if he was going to walk home or buy a horse and buggy.

At 8/08/2007, Blogger kate said...

In all seriousness - each issue has a set of solutions. This particular issue involves scientists (so many are conservative and would never consider themselves to the left of anything) coming out with evidence that certain chemicals are harmful. Now. I read these articles and look for more. Some alternative scientists who are paid for by the companies who make such chemicals find that everything is a-okay.

It's up to us to research such findings and then come to our own conclusions.

Most companies who are found to be in violation of environmental laws or who are poisoning small towns with waste or using unsafe products do not recall such products until forced. It's way too expensive. So there are certain orgs out there that try to spread the word to consumers.

Some consumers, out of concern for their families, stop using such products. Other consumers read and are blinded by fear and/or ignorance and/or stubborness (they have such deep-seated hatred for anyone with an advanced degree) and think, "No one's gonna tell me what to do" and they still use the unsafe products. Still others use because it's cheaper. Some never hear about the warnings.

Fast forward to me - I use my voice to speak up for those who never hear about the warnings. I do not judge them and feel no hatred toward smart people who know more than I do. I contact companies and implore them to discontinue using products that are unsafe. They will only discontinue them if others join me so I try to convince others to write as well.

I believe it is my duty as a human being to try to make the world a better place. I do this in many ways. This particular issue is just one of them so that children may not be harmed any further.

Others disagree that this isn't a safety concern. I think they are kidding themselves. They think I am kidding myself.

Maybe I am. But, given all the evidence, I am going to err on the side of caution with this one.

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one more before I get off my bike. I remembered this often spoken adage from my days of competitive sewing bees:
If you can't stitch the stitch, don't rip the rip!

At 8/08/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, I see we're back to discussion and not pretending to speak on behalf of others opinions. OK.

>>I will offer what I do that strongly supports my beliefs on health and environment. I have a bicycle style power generator to run my computer. (saves electricity and provides exercise simultaneously).

After years of having similar discussions with my friends I became so conflicted with what I actually do everyday with what I so strongly believed that I and everyone else should do.<<

Sounds like you're doing what you personally believe is necessary for you. That's great. I realize you strongly believe everyone else should do as you do, but I sure you realize that's not going to happen.

Think of it this way. There are many people who are hearing impaired to the point of being completely deaf. We as a society accommodate them to some degree, but we all don't go out and learn sign language just in case we run into them in our daily lives. Most of us can hear, so it's primarily up to them to adjust to the rest of us.

In this case, you are the minority, just like people who demand clothes made of fabric they consider to be safe are the minority. Now, that might change one day, but until then it's up to them to adjust what they do, not the other way around.

>>Some consumers, out of concern for their families, stop using such products. Other consumers read and are blinded by fear and/or ignorance and/or stubborness (they have such deep-seated hatred for anyone with an advanced degree) and think, "No one's gonna tell me what to do" and they still use the unsafe products. Still others use because it's cheaper. Some never hear about the warnings.<<

You left out a very important reason, that is some people don't find the "evidences" to be all that convincing that certain products are unsafe.

>>It's up to us to research such findings and then come to our own conclusions.<<

Bingo! You should have just stuck with that and not tried to place those with whom you disagree into a "fear, ignorance, stubborn" box.

Here's something, and I sincerely mean it in a constructive way. I'm not going to go back and document it, but you shoot down a lot of the points you make on any given subject, and good points at that, by labeling those who don't see it the same way as do you. There's no way to get someone to listen to you if you say "Here's the evidence pointing out this, this and this and if you don't beleive it you're an idiot." Even if you're right they're gonna turn you off. If sure you get the point I'm making.

I'll be interested in seeing if Target, etc... starts carrying the clothing that is desired by the OP and will be looking for it over the coming weeks and months.

At 8/08/2007, Blogger kate said...

I have to ask. (sigh) What does OP stand for?

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, back on my bike for a while. I prefer to generate my computer at night when it is cooler. I don't have a/c because it is bad for the environment too what with the electricity use and the freon. Thankfully it rained today. Since I get all of my water from nature, I am dependent on the rain barrels I have. (I don't believe in the water processing system -why should I pay for something that by nature should be mine).
My kids and I probably have gone too long without a bath, but now we have plenty of water.
Kate, you are wonderful -thank you for being there for us that can't make a difference.

At 8/08/2007, Blogger kate said...

You're welcome, Fred.

...a page right out of history.

At 8/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm - interesting that you responded to me as a male. Freudian interpretation would be skewed towards an unconcious desire for one - gestalt enthusiasts would believe that you perceive a strong figure in my deliverance.

I have re-read my posts. The only stereotypical statement I see was the one about the sewing bee. I spoke of my kids, which would tend more to a maternal reference sans father.

not sure how to proceed at this point - maybe Barney and Betty can help me sort this out.

At 8/09/2007, Blogger kate said...

Proceed to the nearest phone and call companies that are poisoning clothes. You could ask them not to.

Or email them.

If your bike is still working.

At 8/09/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>I have to ask. (sigh) What does OP stand for?<<

Original Post. IOW your posting that started the whole thing.


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