If You Don't Have Something Nice to Say - Tell Me and Leave Everyone Else Alone
Constructive criticism rocks. Of course, I'd prefer a logical argument combined with a nice bottle of wine and plenty of compliments thrown in for balance. But not everyone feels the love. Not everyone feels like making sense.
We all roll our own way.
Except when someone rolls me through someone else. Then I get all kinds of pissed.
Check this out: Wrote a perfectly decent piece on Bio Dad. Heartfelt. Compassionate. Then Pseudo-Relative calls Blood-Relative, getting all judgmental and calling me hateful.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you'd have to be smoking crack to read hate into what I wrote. To paraphrase a James Cameron film - You should read with better eyes than that. Assbag.
So Blood-Relative gets silk panties in a wad because Pseudo and the rest of the world now knows we're related to an alcoholic.
Right. Cause the Irish last name didn't give that away in the first place.
I know. The horror.
A few days before the Bio Dad post, I wrote about women I admire and mentioned my mother. Any phone calls about me being lovable?
Neither Pseudo nor Blood - nor any other asshole involved - made that call. Not to mention the 900 posts about making the world a better place. No positive feedback of any kind.
Such is the fate of a writer with readers who sometimes can't see past their own negative motives and feel the need to gossip about me like a bunch of high school b*tches.
That's right. I'm talking about you.
In related news, several months ago Extended-Relative called Immediate-Relative all drunk to yell about something I wrote. This led to more than a few fun lectures from Immediate about how disgusting I am. I listened and laughed like a good little girl about how relatives find me disgusting.
It's what I do.
Few weeks later, called Extended's wife to say hello. Cause I keep in touch with the planet - even when said planet pisses me off. We're shootin' the sh*t and she mentions that her husband enjoyed an essay I'd written that day. Thought it was all kinds of great.
Well goddamn, I thought, why didn't he get all drunk and call Immediate with the good news? Turns out I'm not always disgusting! Who knew?
But, again, that phone call wasn't made. Because no one spends an hour talking about how great I am. Not even me. But a 90-minute conversation about how bad I suck? Seems we've all got time for that.
I suppose what I'm saying is this: Leave my beleaguered and close-knit family members alone. They can do nothing about me, much to their chagrin, and are not responsible for my rants. Leave a comment, email directly, or call *me* when you're drunk.
You should know that, regardless, I plan on continuing my same pattern of writing whatever I feel like writing - whether it's about my experiences, my thoughts, my vagina or my politics. So handle it. Or try focusing on the stuff you like.
Or suck it.
Completely up to you.
Windmills of the Heart
Visions and dreams blown by windmills of the heart as we turn the pages of our lives into an endless journey of loneliness, searching for a place in your heart.
Breathless, she lingers in my mind.
Heart flutters, she inspires.
Memories of softness, sweetness
and smiles.
Time lifeless, not knowing her dreams.
Seeds of friendship,
Blowing in the wind.
To know, to give, to understand,
So little, so much.
I take another breath,
Her soul fills mine,
waking to love lasting,
Eyes sparkling of beauty,
My fair love.

© Copyright 2004 Gebhard Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Or you could write about the experience of thinking about the politics of your vagina and piss everyone off at the same time!
I don't agree with -- or sometimes even like -- everything you write, but you make me think. And laugh...which causes co-workers to look at me strangely, but it's worth it.
Tampa misses you!
yes, it's a nice blog and I'd love to exchange links :)
Wow...naked women and poetry. Nice to know I attract a certain kind of love after all.
Thanks Lisa!
Whew! That was a good rant! Feel better now? BTW, have I told you lately that I love you? ;-D
I wish I knew who you are writing about. And your mom and I often discuss what a good person and mother you are. I guess I should share that with you once in awhile!! Luv, Aunt Mimi
I can relate...no pun intended.
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