Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Moment for Obama

I've said it before: No clue who to support for POTUS.

However, my cousin puts forth an interesting argument for Senator Barack Obama. And so I submit part of her argument here for your review.

What scares me is Hillary's unfavorable rating is so high which equates to big problems in a general election. Her unfavorable rating is 42% the highest among both Dem and Rep candidates. That doesn't give us much wiggle room to sway the undecided votes in the general election folks! However, Obama's unfavorable rating is only 18%-the lowest among both parties. I personally haven't talked to one single Republican or Independent who would support Hillary in the general election. That is not comforting. Obama, however, with his unique ability to bring people together has appealed to some of my Republican and Independent friends. Some of whom I never thought would consider voting for a Democrat.

The democratic convention of 2004 was my first introduction to Obama and the more I've read, researched, and listened (I heard him speak in person as well), the more I feel like he is exactly what this country needs right now. I'm tired of being angry at my country, Republicans and Fox News! I want to believe in my country again and Obama gives me that hope.

I love our country too much to not fight for it which is why I'm spending my Saturday afternoon compiling this email. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and welcome your comments.

If you don't have time to read his book and want to know more about him,
check out this great introduction.


At 8/05/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>Obama's unfavorable rating is only 18%-the lowest among both parties.<<

I don't know where she got the info from, but if it is the case it's because no one really knows who he is yet, it's too early in the process. And with Mrs. Bill Clinton leading him in the polls by double-digits last time I looked, there's no reason to fully attack him at this time, though I notice her camp is starting to turn up the heat on him so watching the Dems eat their own will be starting in earnest soon. Grab the popcorn.

Also she didn't come right out and say it, but it seems she believes that Obama could somehow "heal the wounds of the partisian bickering in American politics," as I've heard it phrased before. That's just not going to happen. In fact I am unaware of a single Democrat who is currently running that would cause that to take place.

But it won't matter. Mrs. Bill Clinton is going to be the nominee.

At 8/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your cousin is right, here. I'm as fed up as the next person, but Sen. C would probably earn my vote for Ralph Nader.

Whomever is nominated needs to take a long look at Bill Richardson as veep ...

-- Chase

At 8/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

plus he said he'd bomb the bejesus out of pakistan for harboring terrorists - go obama! but, it's hard to vote for a guy that is just one letter removed from osama.

At 8/06/2007, Blogger Danny said...

She got her info from Gallup:

I'm still voting for the Kucinich/Gravel ticket.

At 8/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I used Kucinich gravel in my garden last year, or was that Wellstone? ... I definitely know I spread some tancredo around the rose bushes this year, they're blooming like crazy, but they only seem to come up in black and white .... :-)

-- Chase

At 8/06/2007, Blogger kate said...

Love the "black and white" line. Made me laugh and snort!

You should be a writer or somethin.


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