Save the Roan Plateau
Rep. Mark Udall just passed through the House of Representatives, with broad Democratic and Republican support, a package of common-sense proposals to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and to increase our usage of clean, renewable energy.
For the first time ever, national energy policy will require all electric utilities to acquire 15% of their power from wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources by the year 2020.
But the fight's only begun, and he needs your help right away. The bill still needs to pass the U.S. Senate and be signed by President Bush. But not everyone supports this important bill, and some in the oil and gas industry are organizing to prevent passage. According to the Rocky Mountain News, "a newly formed nonprofit in Denver, Americans for American Energy, has raised tens of thousands of dollars to launch a campaign in the coming weeks to push for drilling on the Roan."
This group has now pledged to pull out all the stops in order force Western Slope communities to give up on protections they have sought for the top of the Roan Plateau.
You can show your support for John Salazar's and my efforts to protect the Roan and passage of needed legislation to secure America's energy future today by signing this petition and sending it around to your friends. I'll share the results with my colleagues in the Congress to show that we have broad support for protecting the Roan.
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