Utah Mine Owner - Assbag of the Week
Workers are trapped and might be dying, yet Bob Murray takes time during a press conference to berate the press, defend the coal mining industry, attack global warming experts, and rant against the United Mine Workers of America. (None of his mines are union.)
Who put this loo-loo in front of a microphone?
In addition to being a loud-mouth whack job, Murray is also a big time liar pants. Shocker!
While the report doesn't prove this type of retreat mining caused the collapsePerhaps Boss Murray should worry less about defending his right-wing, corporate, political views and worry more about finding his miners.
that trapped six men in Emery County, it does suggest that the company has yet
to paint a complete picture of the type of work being done in the mine.
Oh. And get someone else to brief reporters.
Old codger belongs in a home, sipping iced tea and watching People's Court.
To be fair, Murray does have a point that the mine collapse might have been the result of an earthquake and it's far too early to rule that out as most of the media coverage has done. Still, you're right, it's terribly bad timing on his part and he might want to let a P.R. hack do the briefings in the future. All he should be saying at the moment is that he and the company are worried about the trapped miners and doing everything they can to get them out, not cover his own ass. Too soon, dude.
I saw the whole press conference and the reports he spoke about. Also paid attention to the tenor of the questions that were asked of him.
Sorry, but if it were me I'd be even more brutal to the assholes in the press. They don't want the facts, they want someone to hang, someone to blame, someone to villify.
So the guy owns the company and that makes him guilty? Your attitude is no better than that of the press.
More people get killed in your town in a year than in mine accidents nationwide. Let's get some perspective.
It is a tragedy no matter how you look at it.
Google "Shepton".
Nice post!
I'm with you: the guy's an asshole.
The nearest seismometer showed NO geologic activity worthy of an "earthquake".
And, why should anyone have any sympathy for the guy who runs a mine with ANY violations and then later acts like he cares after it caves in?
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