Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another Republican Committing Sexual Crimes

I love how his fellow "family-values" friends defended their boy.

"He also had this little dark side."

It's not so little when you're fourteen years old.

Oh well. At least this conservative saved us the trouble of a trial.

Wish they were all so thoughtful.


At 9/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least they were girls - not little boys.

At 9/17/2007, Blogger kate said...

What's the difference? Assbag.

At 9/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Judge John Connor?

If he had been there, the guy would have been able to get treatment.
It is simply an illness.

At 9/17/2007, Blogger WMD of Debate said...

to anon 10:23 :

We have to put it into perspective. It sort of has to do with how high the deviation is from the standard one has presented to others.

A man who is seen as a free loving spirit and has the intellectual capabilities to nuance the world and has sex with a young girl would certainly not be seen in the same light as a strict bible thumping tight ass who did the same act.

The whores of Boston were not made to wear the scarlet letter in the days of Hester and Dimmesdale.

However, a minister and a married woman fornicating in the woods is considered a pretty high standard of deviation from what they publicly professed to be.

Can a atheist sin if he has sex with a young girl?

Just trying to make sense of it all.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger kate said...

It's not that difficult, WMD. He was f*cking his daughters. I don't give a rat's ass if they were adopted or not. This is illegal and immoral behavior.

I'm pretty consistent. I don't go see Woody Allen movies either.

And I think that the fact this St. Pete Councilman was a family values Repub is worth noting.

At 9/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kate said... This is illegal and immoral behavior.

Then why are you supporting democrats who support illegal and immoral behavior all the time. Why do you support killing babies among other issues???

At 9/18/2007, Blogger kate said...

Oh my. A fetus isn't a baby. Plus abortion is legal.

Get a grip.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger WMD of Debate said...

"this St. Pete Councilman was a family values Repub is worth noting" speaks directly to my point.

I assume if he was not a Repub, this event would have not have been noted and framed the way the way it was.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

Here's a picture of those democrats that support f*cking your 12 year old daughter.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger WMD of Debate said...

Since everyone seems to agree that incest is wrong, why is the action not the focus?

I fail to see the need for a qualifyer about any other aspect.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger kate said...

I see a direct relationship between rabid self-denial/lashing out at others what they obviously find so distasteful in themselves and a tendency to vote right wing.

And so I'm pointing it out.

You're welcome.


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