Friday, September 07, 2007

As We Approach September 11th -

Will someone please tell me what Rudy Giuliani did that was so g*ddamn great?

Firefighters and police officers did a whole hell of a lot.

What did Rudy do?


At 9/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think he produced this:

At 9/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he lived it every day - showed up - was visible - cared ---- more than can be said for billary or osama obama!

At 9/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best I can tell, he didn't shart in his dress.

At 9/07/2007, Blogger Danny said...

He cheered on the Yankees wearing a NYPD/FDNY hat! If that doesn't make him a hero, I don't what does...

At 9/07/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Anonymous the coward (#2) -- nice. You can't think of a real defense for Rudy and yet you throw out banal attacks on HRC and Obama. Go back to listening to Rush Limbaugh and stop wasting internet bandwidth.

Rudy's only quality was being a TV presence in the wake of what happened. That's it. Period. End of story. Same with GWB -- TV presence the days following 9-11. Rudy is telegenic, I can't fault him if he soundbites well (but stay out of Adam Sandler movies, please! They're bad enough as is! We don't need you to lower them any more than they already are with acting attempts!) but what we all looked for was some TV moments from leaders on 9-11 and Rudy was there while Err George ran around the country from undisclosed location to undisclosed location.

John Ashcroft was another guy I came out thinking highly of after 9-11 but this was playing on fears -- the Anthrax shit started happening, the computer virus threats and the media (now in way-overactive-24-hour-scrawl-Fear-Fear-Fear-coverage) eating it all up. Yet he wasn't telegenic... He just came off like he was doing something... You know, LEADING? I mean, Ashcoft's got his drawbacks and petty bullshit that will always keep him far away from my heart but I was more comfortable with him than the President in the immediate aftermath of 9-11.


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