Thursday, September 20, 2007

Go MoveOn.Org. Go Me. Go All of Us.

"We will not be quiet, we will fight back. We will keep speaking out until Congress forces an exit plan for this awful war."

I'll admit it. This ad didn't bother me in the least.

I know that it bothered others. And so, those of you with panties in a wad, I want to know -

Did this bullsh*t bother you as much?

Did you blog about it? Scream about it?

What about this nonsense?

If not, what's the godd*mn difference? I'll give you a hint - our ad isn't filled with lies.

Hysterical hypocrites. Every last one of you.

Congress can't get its act together to allow our soldiers adequate leave with their families before redeploying.

Can't get our soldiers home.

But they sure as hell can condemn those of us who feel compelled to speak out against an unjust war and the lies that are keeping us there.

They condemned *me* today.

And I say to hell with them.


At 9/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hank Snow and Dusty Springfield - who would have known:

"Keep Movin' On" and "Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind"

At 9/21/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the ad didn't bother and anti-american liberal like yourself. How much did it take for Move On to buy your support or was it just a life long supply of kool-aid!!!!

At 9/21/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when does "liberal" = "Anti-American"? You are a whack-job.

Who's drinking the kool-aid?!

And I'M signing my name...

At 9/21/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Calling General Petraus "General Betray Us"?? The ad was WAY over the top. WAY over. And then they put it out before the guy even testified. Really bright.

The left has an uncanny knack for taking a shit sandwich, calling it a Monte Cristo, and having their fellow libs asking for seconds.

Here's a gun. Just shoot yourselves in the foot and call it a pedicure. :rollseyes:

At 9/22/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you couldn't bother to read the links. Where was the outrage over the Swift-Boating of John Kerry, or the ads comparing Max Cleland to Bin Laden, or the constant conflating of Barack Obama with Osama?

Oh, right. There wasn't any.

By the way, and fyi, Petraeus did betray us. That's right. He is carrying water for Bush and the neo-cons to continue this endless war. He lied, plain and simple. The promised political benchmarks were not met. Only 3 of the 18 were achieved.

Violence is not down in Iraq, as the GAO report showed; it is up.

We've been told for 9 months to wait for Petraeus' unbiased, straight shooting report, yet we learned that not only was his report not written, as was expected and implied, but his testimony was planned and filtered through the White House before his talk with Congress.

He is Betrayus. He is lying for Bush and company. They want to continue this war forever, and establish a permanent "foothold" in Iraq.

There are permanent bases (14, I believe) being built there. We are building the largest embassy on the planet in Iraq.

It's the oil, stupid. And it's being paid for with blood.

At 9/22/2007, Blogger The Accepter said...

The single most disgusting thing I ever witnessed in politics was the swift boat campaign against Kerry, that was referenced here. It was propagated and supported by a coward who hung out in the TX National Guard while Kerry was in Vietnam. Enough said.

Despite this hypocrisy surrounding the Petraeus ads, I don't support them, nor do I think it was a good idea. MoveOn is all about process and principals. I am all about results - the main one being the presidential election. Anything the draws fire away from the ACTUAL war, or homophobic REP senators blowing dudes in the gas station restroom, or Fred Thompson making an ass of a mistake. It scares the moderates and isolates the Rep who were siding with those who want to end the war. It is counter-productive.

Still no where near as disgusting as the swift boat bullshit. Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth.


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