Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm With My Brother

This guy *deserved* to get his ass tasered.

"Don't taser me, bro!"

Yeah, tough guy turns like a b*tch in a horror film.

"What did I do? Help!"

And I do love the requisite hysterical female college student. "Oh my God!" And the assbag yelling "Rodney King!"

Seriously. Big fan.

Of course, I believe anyone who attends UF *deserves* to get his ass tasered.

But that's me.


At 9/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He rambled. Why can't protesters be more coherent (sometimes) in their arguments? It reminded me of a Bill Ritter rally here in Denver a year ago. The protesters were shouting "Bill Clinton is a rapist!!" at a Bill RITTER rally. HUH??? Ah well, some people make no sense to me.

At 9/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great-grandma Betty pleads innocent to resisting arrest over dead grass

At 9/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheelchair-Bound Woman Dies After Being Shocked With Taser 10 Times

At 9/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

And if the speaker had been President Bush instead of John Kerry you would have had the same opinion, right?

If you claim you would have said nothing different, then between the two I like the story you made up about the Jew soldier better.

At 9/19/2007, Blogger kate said...

It's not the speaker I'm ranting about - it's the protestor. I might actually agree with the guy. But when you charge a stage where a US Senator is speaking - don't be surprised if you get your ass tasered. Plus he's rambling and his website is stupid. Plus he goes the UF.

'Nuff said.

At 9/19/2007, Blogger kate said...

And it's Jew-ish soldier.

Jew Soldier is soooo 1939.

At 9/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, didnt realize you were such the fascist.
but then again the dems and repugs are one big happy corporate family..

maybe these will change your mind about how its ok to taser US citizens who are disruptive:


At 9/19/2007, Blogger kate said...

Oh spare me.

I love assholes who unfairly criticize authority figures and then their punk asses are the first to call "POLICE!" when the shit hits the fan.

Here's a quick tutorial, no matter your color or mental state: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8&mode=related&search=

Lesson over.

At 9/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


guess you like your progressive politics neat and tidy, as long as the status quo isnt challenged.

meyer's is dismissed as an opportunist brat and the debate over free speech, post 9-11, gets shoved aside.

btw, you should be happy to know both bill oreilly and glenn beck agree with your point of view.

At 9/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this whole incident is a debate over free speech not to mention excessive police force!

5 cops and one taser to take down this "punk"?

yeah thats fair.

and who cairs if he was a loud mouth or being direspectful? thats cause for a taser?

watch the video again. he was trying to leave and they wouldnt let him.

You say "If it's unjustified, hire a lawyer. But first - do as you're told. "

No thanks. I'll choose to raise my voice as an good Amercian should and not wait for the lawyers to save me. Pathetic.

At 9/20/2007, Blogger kate said...

When a cop is holding a gun or a taser and you speak out instead of "freezing" or "leaving quietly", you're not a good American - you're a dumbass with little or no common sense.

Good luck with that.

At 9/20/2007, Blogger tiny... said...

The guy was there for his 15 minutes.
Clean hands? Not on either side.

I will say some need to watch again from the three different angles, he physically resisted three separate times then he was warned as he resisted being handcuffed that he would be tased.
You pick your battles.


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