Insight Says You Aren't Allowed to Know This
Cable giant Insight Communications pulled this ad on Mitch McConnell at the last minute Thursday night. Insight's executives have donated $17,000 to McConnell. Now they are helping him even more by keeping this ad, which blows McConnell out of the water, off the air.
Sign this petition to tell Insight Communications that you won't stand for political censorship.
Another negative B.S hit piece on a Republican Senator by Move.On.Orgy. How many attack ads has this group put out about corrupt democratic senators who have the lowest approval ratings of all time!!!
Truth hurts. Sometimes I think these folks, like our good friend anon, think the only real truths are ones that gently licks their asshole while humming "hail to the chief".
Do you do the same while looking at the woeful polling numbers of your democratic congress while humming "hail to the traitors"????
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