Friday, September 07, 2007

Let's Get Rid of Brian Blair

For my peeps back in Tampa -

On Sunday, September 30th at 4 p.m., attend a house party/fundraiser for Kevin Beckner, who is running for the at-large County Commission seat currently held by Brian Blair. Come out and meet Kevin, and help his campaign as he fights for a better Hillsborough County!

A Bucs night (vs. Carolina, away), they will have the game up and running on HDTV in the background as everyone noshes on food and beverages and learns first-hand what Kevin has to offer as your next County Commissioner.

As a courtesy to anyone who is interested in attending, Kevin's campaign would like to send you a printed invite to your home address.

***If you are interested in attending and would like to receive a printed invite, please e-mail here with your postal address, and they will make sure an invite is sent to you.***

For more information, please feel free to check out Kevin's Web site at


At 9/07/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

There's an article in the St. Pete Times today by Sue Carlton about this guy but half way down you can't tell if this is a pro or anti article. Why?

Turns into "He's gay" rant... Yeah, there are some social issues the TB area can't handle but there are some political issues the local rags can't handle either.

There is so much anti-County Commission sentiment right now on both sides of the bay due to shit that's gone down and you know what? By the election in 2008 you'll have ever incumbent backed in most cases by the newspapers because they are the known evil... No matter how bad their record is, or how ass-backwards their ideas are... They're better individuals than their challengers because the other guy irons his socks, or the other woman actually shows her cleavage, or some other shit that really has no bearing on governing.

There is so much complacency but in the end -- the Times or the Trib will endorse more of the same... Just because.

At 9/18/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Brian Blair, now a county commissioner in Tampa, Fla., asserted in a 2002 lawsuit that he had been forced into retirement from his previous career as a professional wrestler after he tripped over a tray of dishes and hurt himself at a Carrabba's restaurant. Blair announced in August 2007 that a settlement had been reached with Carrabba's, and thus he would not explain (according to a deposition cited by Carrabba's attorneys) how the "career-ending" injury allowed him to keep lucrative wrestling dates in Japan months after he fell, or how he registered a .089 blood-alcohol reading that evening even though he admitted to only one sip of wine, or how a sober professional wrestler accustomed to being thrown across a ring could be hurt so badly by a simple fall, or how a politician who generally abides a pro-business, anti-lawsuit philosophy could have initiated such litigation. [Tampa Tribune, 8-25-07]


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