L'Shana Stove-Ah?
I'm used to an article or two a year in the local papers on Jewish holidays. It's the bone they throw the Jewish residents in town.
Not the kind of bone I prefer. But, okay.
However, this one is remarkably lame.
In fact, the slow cooker is perfect for many typical foods of a Rosh HashanaRight. Cause when I think of Rosh Hashanah, I think shofar, apples, honey, and...crock-pots.
dinner: brisket, chicken, tzimmes (a stew typically made with carrots, honey and
raisins) or any veggie stew.
Does the reporter even *know* any Jews? Or perhaps she is accustomed to penning articles that are really written commercials for cookware companies.
Where's Jeff Houck when you need him?
Hey - in CO Springs, one should be happy for ANY press time referring to Jews!
However, she obviously doesn't realize Jewish womens' favorite words are "catering" and "take out"! ;-)
An article in the rocky mountain news spotlight has recipes for several yummy looking Rosh Hashana treats, no mention of crock pots. I'll save it for ya, I know how you like to slave away in the kitchen. :-)
Where am I? Where the hell are you? I'm fresh out of veggie shiksa converts.
I saw this and thought of you:
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