No Offense Dude
But it's not how we treat unborn children -
It's how we treat children who've already been born - that's the problem.
Specifically, it's how *parents* treat *their* children who've already been born - that's the problem.
"Godless school system..."
My. F*cking. Ass.
Check with Eric and Dylan's mommies and daddies, if you can find them, and give credit where credit is due.
You heard me.
I think I get it - while there may be some external variables that effect how absolute the control a parent has of it's child after the child is alive, getting rid of the thing that will become a child leaves no doubt on who is in control.
It is Eric and Dylan's grand parents who we should hold accountable. They had their chance to get rid of the things that eventually led to the creation of Eric and Dylan.
Who knew they missed it, and when did they know it?
Nope. You don't get it.
I question the belief system of anyone who thinks legal, safe abortions led to the Columbine massacre.
To get wrapped up in how unborn children are treated while not giving a squirt of piss for the ones already here is just short of nonsense.
The massacre also cannot be blamed on a godless school system.
The blame is with Eric and Dylan. Those two KIDS obviously did not get the love, attention, support, care, and HELP that they needed and 13 victims paid the price.
They were KIDS. And their parents failed them. To blame teachers or women who need a safe legal choice or anyone else for that matter is wrong, dangerous, foolish and delusional.
And unless we start holding parents accountable - more tragedies will occur.
I keep trying to figure out how parents got so far away from being held accountable.
Any ideas?
Who knows? But it sure ain't the fault of Roe v. Wade.
I'm more concerned with how to bring it back. Parents must be held accountable for kids who perform badly in school, commit crimes, show their coochies on national television.
Jodie Foster is right - where the hell is Lindsay Lohan's mother?
Bill Cosby's right.
Mayor Bloomberg paying parents to help their kids succeed in school is on to SOMETHING.
Gotta go now and pray.
For the sake of discussion, first let me say I am not tying Roe v Wade to explain these episodes of social violence.
There are so many social variables involved; it would be folly to label one variable as a cause.
However, I am curious about one of the dynamics of the social effects from Roe v. Wade. When one examines the different social strata of economic and educational level, do you think the social effects of R.v.W are the same or different across each level?
In other words, could R.v.W. be a positive influence to one subset of American people and at the same time be a negative influence to another subset of American people?
Who is anyone to say what this guy should or should not have written. Is it a bit odd? Yes. What he is saying though is beyond anti-abortion. So why is this the focus? Aside from the abortion part his words were very powerful. No matter what your religious views are this is a man who lost a child, just like all the other parents of Columbine victims.
"My son in a Nation that legalized the killing of innocent children in the womb; in a County where authorities would lie and cover up what they knew and what they did; in a Godless school system your life was taken ... Dan I’m sorry"
So we can all see it at the same time. He points at
1 - abortion
2 - lies and cover up by authority figures
3 - Godless school system
I think what Kate is pointing to is 4- parents
These points may or may not be inter-dependent. If I read Kate right, 1 and 3 are not part of the equation from her perspective.
You made a point that "no matter what your religious views are....".
I think we will see that it is a matter of what one's religious views are. It will manifest itself by a denoucement of other's religion.
You did make a great point -"Who is anyone to say what this guy should or should not have written".
I can't imagine how I would feel if I were in his place.
I'm not as concerned with what this guy's written as much as I'm concerned with people in general missing the point when kids have problems and act out.
Bad parenting.
And it affects all of us.
I agree that bad parenting affects us all.
In looking at societies across the globe, I am trying to figure out what social influences exist that instill and maintain good parenting.
Thankfully my 3 kids have made it to adulthood without any problems.
Bad parenting is a problem, and I don't see any evidence of it getting any better. Case in point: when my big sister lovingly babysat for us a couple weekends ago, we saw the latest "Pirates" movie, which showed women and children being hung, and shot in the head, among other things. Yes, there were young children in the theatre watching this, including toddlers. If kids are seeing so much violence in the media at a young age, and parents are doing nothing to shield them from it, that's just one of many examples of how and why they are desensitized. (if that's how you spell it)It simply isn't shocking to them after a while, instead it's "no big deal". Shouldn't it be? Maybe it's not the only reason why kids are violent towards one another, you certainly can't blame it on one thing or event. But it's something, and it's something sad.
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