Tuesday, September 11, 2007

O-Train Caught Speeding?

Interesting article paints Senator Obama as inaccessible.


With fainting fans and overprotective bodyguards.

Interesting. Few months back, in Florida, Barack Obama kneeled down and talked to my children in the middle of a rally. He was kind, considerate, and seemed every bit the "real guy" I'd come to expect.

However, maybe now sh*t's out of control. He's got a following. The crowd swells with anticipation.

Plus there's the Oprah factor.

So I'm wondering - is he a rock star protected from the screaming masses who's too quickly grown too big and out of touch to be our leader? Or are his handlers rightfully protecting an African-American candidate from would-be James Earl Rays out there?

Just wonderin'.


At 9/11/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Threats have been levied against Obama and HRC from what has been reported in the past few months. I think secret service details are part of their entourage now.

But Kate, when we talk about overzealous bodyguards -- lets go back to the top of the story you made mention of (Obama in Ybor). Those who tried to deny you and the boys access to Barack were pretty overzealous in their own right, no?

At 9/11/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, everybody has an off day.

At 9/11/2007, Blogger WMD of Debate said...

Speaking of off days, let's get some money together to help this man file the child endangerment suit.

FOX RIVER GROVE, Ill. - A vegan middle school teacher says he's not going back to class until the school stops serving milk and meat.

Dave Warwak has been a teacher at Fox River Grove Middle School for eight years.

The 44-year-old became a vegan in January and believes the school is "feeding poison" to students. He also believes the school's posters featuring milk are wrong.

Warwak says he won't return until the posters are removed. He's looked into filing child-endangerment charges because he claims it's wrong to promote animal products as part of healthy diet.

Warwak says he was asked to leave the school last week because he talked about animal-cruelty issues.

Superintendent Jacqueline Krause says Warwak wasn't fired. "

At 9/11/2007, Blogger kate said...

Well, now, WMD - that vegan there just gives all us vegetarians a bad name.

I am pro-choice across the board. If someone digs on swine - have at it. Seriously. I completely adore people who actually eat veal and tripe. Ask around - it's true.

I know. I rock.

At 9/12/2007, Blogger Danny said...

Obama separates himself from some of the other "front runners" on Iraq:

At 9/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll vouch for you -- you didn't lecture me or faint away when I ate a hot dog -- a greasy movie theater hot dog, no less -- in front of you. You do rock.


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