Friday, September 28, 2007

Stop the NRA

Earlier this week, our allies in the U.S. Senate tried to move a bill to the Senate floor for a vote that would strengthen the Brady background check system and make it harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy firearms.

But one Senator, Tom Coburn (R-OK), blocked consideration of the bill and this critical measure remains "on hold" in the Senate.

A similar bill was passed by the House in June, and now we need the Senate to act! Please email your Senators today and tell them to pass the National Instant Check System (NICS) Improvement Act and strengthen Brady background checks.



At 9/29/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the NRA,why do you liberals want to take our rights away? We can't have our guns but you can kill babies!

At 9/29/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, anonymous, do you even LIKE babies? Kids? People? YOURSELF?

At 9/29/2007, Blogger kate said...

No one's killing babies. Assbag. We're just talking about background checks.

Calm yourself.

At 10/01/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm - i'll go with an "ok" on better background checks - but, we gun owners must be constantly on the elert for creeping socialism and the anti-gun whackos.


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