Saturday, September 15, 2007

This 'n That

Unity08 put forth a survey to find out which issues are most important to us.

Those issues were terrorism, health care, education, the integrity and accountability of public officials, illegal immigration, and energy supplies. Well over half the respondents listed them as crucial.

Gun ownership, abortion rights, and gay marriage came in dead last in the rankings.


View the results of the study here.

EDin08 says No Child Left Behind isn't working. No kidding?

Six thousand kids dropped out of school yesterday, and another six thousand will drop out today, and tomorrow, and the day after that.

Seventy percent of our 8th graders aren't proficient in reading, and by the end of 8th grade, what passes for the U.S. math curriculum is two years behind the math being studied by 8th graders in other countries.

While the candidates pander, founder, and stomp up and down about NCLB, we are losing our economic foothold to China, India, and Singapore.

And last, but certainly not least, let's get Mark Udall off to a strong start.

In 2008, I'd like to toast a Democratic governor, a Democratic Congress, and two Democratic senators. (Yes, I count Salazar as a Democrat.) Colorado - let's make her blue.

Then maybe I'll stay.


At 9/15/2007, Blogger beajerry said...

And a 'real' Democratic president (if we can find one to run)

At 9/16/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's crappy teachers like you that care more about electing politicians that support your teachers union than the students you teach.

At 9/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the above comment by some anonymous fellow. They just don't get it.

At 9/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it you don't. You must be a unionized teacher that hates standardized tests and teachers being evaluated and how well they teach their students.

At 9/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not a unionized teacher. AND, I don't mind being evaluated. I just feel that there is a better way to evaluate students progress. You should probably look up the real reason for assessments and understand why a high stakes test is BS.


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