What's Up With The Aarons In This Town?
In some sort of vain attempt to convert this strange location into my beloved home - I hung out the other night with an organized group of young, Jewish professionals.
I know. I'm not young. I'm not professional. But I play the part.
Plus I'm Jewish. With a winning smile. And since there are only a handful of us in The Springs, I thought, beggars can't be choosers. Either way.
One of the YPs mentioned an annual tradition round these parts called Mountain Minyan - a gathering of singing, praying, happy Rosh Hashanah celebrants where, I don't know, bears are allowed to join in the fun.
Bears love honey after all.
Out of the blue, a guy sitting next to me grumbled,
"No thanks. Bunch of crunchy, granola types holding hands? Not for me."
I immediately smiled. Nothing like a Rush-quoting right-winger to make this gloomy girl from Florida feel at home.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Of course it is. I bet you have bad taste in t-shirts too."
Aaron and I became fast friends. Brotherman graduated from West Point a few years back and recently returned from a tour in Iraq.
"How'd it go?" I asked.
"Great," Aaron said.
"You've been there," I said. "You've looked around. What do *you* think the solution is?"
"Well," Aaron said, "the solution is simple. We need to nuke the place. Every man, woman, and child should be wiped off the face of the earth."
I sipped my Mojito and said what any other engaging young professional with a winning smile might say in a similar situation.
"Tell me more."
"You see, it might sound wrong, but it's true. Not a single Iraqi is worth an American life. Not even collectively are they worth one American life. So I think we should blow 'em off the face of the earth."
I've learned that nodding encourages crazy talk. So I kept nodding.
"I mean, think about it. Those people haven't contributed a single thing of worth. Not one benefit to the planet."
"Okay," I said. "Neither has Wisconsin. Should we blow them up, too?"
Dude actually considered it.
We talked about a lot that night. And by *we*, I mean *he*.
Iran (should be nuked as well), algebra (proof Arabs are f*cked), the upcoming elections (can't work for Hillary), Judaism (Orthodox is preferred, Conservative will do - don't get him started on Reform) and how a nice Jersey Jew like him turned into a fundamentalist Christian type. You know. Except he isn't Christian.
It's not every day a liberal gets to sit next to someone who's either gonna go one way, kill lots of people and wind up in jail or go the other way, kill lots of people and wind up a decorated war hero.
Depends on who writes the script.
Seriously. This is one crazy town.
I like Aaron. Makes a lot of sense to me - nuke em' and steal the oil. God Bless The U.S. of A.
Ok...give up Aaron's last name. If not to everybody on your blog...at least to me.
I gotta do a background check on this douche.
The Bin Laden tapes are the best way to get the Democratic talking points out to the American public.
Danny, you are starting to scare me.
Do you support the domestic spy program or wire tapping?
Ha...no, I do not really support spying and wire tapping.
I went to West Point and I was looking to get some background info on this guy through my alumni channels--not wire tapping!
Seriously though, I thought I did a good job of embarrassing the academy b/c I'm so far left of the majority of the people that work, teach, and graduate from there. However, this kid is more embarrassing than I could ever hope to be.
Is it any wonder I am proud you are my birth blog.
Brilliant post and the comments… well, need I say more?
Eskay comes from good "jeans"?
What a coincidence. I was at a party the other day and this Rhandi Rhodes-quoting left-winger told me that it was Americas fault that we were attacked on 9/11 and that we should surrender to Al-Qaeda and allow them to kill some more of this country's citizens if they wanted to because it's only fair for all the Islamic people the USA has murdered in the Middle East and that Osama bin Laden was really a freedom fighter and that Bush was the real terrorist.
I just nodded and smiled.
Then they went off on some rant about how Saddam was a nice guy and his people loved him and re-elected him with 100% of the vote.
It's not often I get to sit down and converse face-to-face with a certified barking moonbat. Usually the closest I get are places like DU, DailyKos and various lib blogs.
What a crazy, crazy world.
Right. But you don't have the rack, the ass, or the winning smile.
Plus I'm funnier.
So don't quit yer day job.
I just read that over at rw's blog.
It will be a beautiful day for us all when the Jewish people and the Islamic people unite and the remainding mindless numbnuts are simply serfs.
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