Saturday, September 08, 2007

You Know You're in Colorado Springs When...

You get a letter with a return address that implores you to pray for the President.

Who's praying for me?


At 9/08/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

The only prayer this guy deserves is a prayer that has time and again been unanswered...

The Shephards Prayer:
"Dear Lord, please don't let me fuck this up."

...and because he loves humanity, the Almighty didn't answer that prayer because the "this" of the prayer was for self interests, selfish tactics, political espionage and general selfishness of Err George. Why should we "Pray" for that?

Who's praying for the country to wake up? Praying for the constitution? Praying for a spine in leadership that goes beyond ideological bullshit?

At 9/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BDS is a dangerous thing. Go see a doctor, get some meds.

At 9/10/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>BDS is a dangerous thing. Go see a doctor, get some meds.<<

The average liberal has gone WAY past having BDS at this point. If all they had was BDS there still might be some hope. Best thing the Dems in control could do at this point is purge these whackos from the party, but unfortunately they need them in order to win, so they have to keep throwing them some red meat and hope no one notices they're having to somewhat cater to these freaks.


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