Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If It's Free, It's For Me

Obesity and gas prices are at an all-time high. Astroglide costs an arm and a leg. People are living in homes they can't afford. Environmental devastation makes SUV driving so not sexy.

We throw away everything - from friends to lovers to outdated electronic equipment.

And while I don't want Bobby or his tendency to interrupt - I do want your slightly used 8-track player. Cause the BeeGees really come alive on that sh*t.

Overconsumption is over, b*tches. For some people anyway.

Freegans offer an alternative to the traditional American lifestyle. Right here in America.

And while dumpster diving is still less hot than a Hummer, saving money is a bonus. So is helping to heal our planet. So don't be an ass and blow this off - consider the ideas behind it.

Ummm...not so sure about squatting, though. Free housing isn't usually located in desirable school districts. But more power to ya, Toothless Ray.

On the less extreme side, imagine if neighbors got together and actually talked to one another. What if they pooled their resources and purchased one lawn mower, one weed-eater, one snow-blower and, oh I don't know, actually shared them? Togetherness. Community.

Isn't that what my new favorite hobby, Craigslist, is all about? One woman's trash is another woman's insanely cheap trash compactor.

Imagine if people used their bikes or legs or public transportation? Organize a carpool where you work. Something way hot about that.

Sure, you may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. Check out a freegan I like to call Boston Boy.

He's definitely going my way. And I'll bet he saves enough to buy Astroglide right off the shelf.

Lucky bastard.


At 10/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the Freegans related to the Freeballers?

If so, there's no way I'm picking that guy up. Unless, of course, he has Bud Light in his suitcase.

At 10/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea that I was contributing to the environment and community! I have three neighbors who borrow my lawnmower/weedeater all the time.
And here I thought they were just mooching...

At 10/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, hubby has a friend who was recently the victim of aforementioned squatters. He calls his house and some guy answers the phone. Uh, HI? Who is this? Kinda not funny. Anyway, just read about the freegans last week. Pretty interesting stuff. Not into dumpster diving, but the rest sounds good. Plus I try not to throw things away anyway. Reuse and recycle is my way. That's why junior plays with rice pudding containers and medicine bottles-turned rattles. Hey, he doesn't know the difference.


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