Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Looking for Just a Yes or a No

Received this email from a progressive sort who lives right here in Colorado Springs.

DISCLAIMER: I've cleaned up the spelling and grammar mistakes because 1) I'm a teacher and can't help myself; 2) This dude already appears just a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Why make it worse?

Just reply with "YES" if you agree that "ANY" of the following violations SHOULD BE IMPEACHABLE.

Just reply with "NO" if you think "NONE" of these violations of the Constitution and US LAWS SHOULD BE IMPEACHABLE

Should Vice President Cheney or President Bush be held accountable (by impeachment and/or prosecution) for any of the following:

1. The President and the Vice President and members of the Administration deliberately misrepresented the severity of the WMD threat from Iraq by providing distorted intelligence to Congress in order to justify war with Iraq (the WMD lies among others).

2. George W. Bush admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of American Citizens without seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Court of Review, a court which was duly constituted by Congress in 1978 after reviews of spying by the Nixon Administration on US Citizens.

3. George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney conspired to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the Federal Torture Act, the United Nations Torture Convention, and the Geneva Convention which, under Article VI of the US Constitution, are part of the supreme law of our country.

4. George W. Bush, after taking an oath to protect our Constitution and to enforce all Laws, has committed over 800 Signing Statements, in which he states that he disagrees with the law he signs and refuses to either enforce it or obey it himself. He is essentially doing a illegal veto of the entire congress on each of these laws.

5. Members of Richard B. Cheney's staff deliberately exposed the identity of a covert CIA agent to the media for political gain. The crime and who ordered it was later covered up and stonewalled by Cheney, his staff, and the President.

6. Richard B. Cheney forced the networks to stop carrying Star Trek back in 1969. Trust me on this one. I have proof.

Seriously, are you still reading this? Looking for errors I may have missed because I *have* a life? Between me and you, I think the whole damn list is one impeachable offense after another. But shouldn't we be trying to *win* some important battles? Or do we all enjoy being the losers so much we're just continuing with more of the same?

Year. After year. After year.

Let me guess - you're hoping Ralph Nader runs again?

Anyway, apparently my choice of politically-minded drinking buddies here is between right-wing Christians or the ones on street corners howling about Dick.

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.


At 10/17/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

OK, I may be misreading what you wrote at the end but you're chiding the email for it's reactionary stance on things, correct? While we should be taking action against what has gone wrong, too many Democrats are still bemoaning what has gone wrong and pointing and screaming about the offense instead of remedying it...

If that's the case, I understand your point completely because far too often I still have to witness discontent that is not constructive... I don't mean speaking out and pointing out an error is wrong but when you're still saying 9-11 was a vaster conspiracy -- with explosives inside the twin towers -- there's something wrong there. We can still cry about the 2000 election robbery but does that really do anything to stand up for the ills of the country that have worsened since then?

At 10/17/2007, Blogger kate said...

No, you read me right.

Let's get on with the problems of today. Come to think of it, seems we can't even get that right.

At 10/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for addressing this post. It was apparently posted every group he belongs to on ProgressNow, and quite frankly I've had to dump so many duplicate email responses to it that regardless of the right or the wrong of the issue, I could frankly care less. Apparently, our next chance to correct problems with the administration is voting in the next two election cycles.


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