Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tampa Teacher Pleads Guilty

Few years back, I taught at Wharton High School for, like, five minutes or something. Jaymee Wallace had recently been arrested and so I asked around.

Every teacher, without exception, thought she was innocent.

"Jaymee's a caring and concerned person. She'd never hit on a kid."

"No way, she's too professional."

"Her husband teaches here. Didn't happen."

"Coach Wallace was terrific and an awesome person. She'd never victimize one of her students."

Apparently, her supporters were wrong. On Monday, Jaymee Wallace pleaded guilty to having a sexual relationship with a student. Victims include not only Wallace's lover/student, but all the kids who depended on her for guidance and support, her husband, fellow teachers who believed in her and the community in general.

When Debra Lafave received no jail time for her crime, few were surprised. There's long been a double standard when it comes to underage boys and girls having sex.

FULL DISCLOSURE: At yet another high school, I also taught with several teachers who knew Lafave's victim. They said that if that kid ever took the stand, no jury in America would convict her. His bravado and thug-like appearance would have worked against him. Poor kid and all.

So here we have another trampy teacher; however, Wallace isn't quite as photogenic as Lafave. Therefore, "please keep her hot ass out of prison" won't work this time. And the victim isn't a boy who wants to be a stud. Instead, we've got a forever-scarred, formerly-innocent little girl.

Is there any other kind?

And so I can't help but wonder what punishment this crime deserves.


At 10/10/2007, Blogger WMD of Debate said...

As a testament to the significance of how kids are truly victims, the girl is now pleading for leniency for the teacher. I can just hear the baudy comments being made about the quality of the interactions between the teacher and the victim, with little regard for the "unseen psychic trauma".

I agree with the premise of a doublestandard. While it is hard to comprehend how this stereotypical public doublestandard (for those who see it) crosses the threshold of legal justice, just imagine how this mother feels:

Baynews 9, Nov. 2, 2005

Nichole Hinkson is a parent who says she's known about the allegations since last year and even reported them.

"The coach came to my home looking for the girl," said Hinkson. "Was very upset, beating on my door, cursing and irate because she could not find the little girl. I've seen text messages that she sent to the little girl, conversations, and actually the little girl admitted to me what went on, what had happened. I called the school board, gave them information last year. No one did anything."

Police say the relationship started in January 2003 when the then 15-year-old student was in ninth grade.

Wallace is still employed by the Hillsborough County School District, however, not in the classroom, but at an office in Ybor City.

At 10/10/2007, Blogger kate said...

I'd be livid. Actually, I am livid. As a parent. As a concerned citizen. As a fellow teacher.

But why are girls seen as victims and boys seen as studs?

Because they are?

At 10/12/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm just buying into the double standard. I can't imagine any macho teenage boy being "victimized" b/c he bagged a teacher. On the contrary, I think most boys who would engage in this behavior would revel in it. And biologically speaking, during the sexual act the woman is in a much more vulnerable position.

Not that these teachers were making good choices, especially being in a position of power. It is wrong, IMHO, mainly for that reason.

In LaFave's defense, it is my understanding that she was bipolar (unmedicated), and symptoms of this disease are poor judgement and hypersexuality.

At 10/12/2007, Blogger kate said...

Becky said - "And biologically speaking, during the sexual act the woman is in a much more vulnerable position."

Not the way I do it.


At 10/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a female teacher, and a female student? Perverts - I hope she goes to prison for a long time.


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