Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'll Use Any Excuse To Bare My Ass on the Internet

It's my party and I'll repeat a post if I want to.

November 10, 1969--9:31am--Dunmore, Pennsylvania

My mother passed out within seconds because pain medication makes her "feel funny". Doctors used forceps to yank me out of there. Mom blames my stubborn streak and big head. I just wanted to avoid the Nixon administration.

Everyone “ooh'd” and “ahh'd” even though, let's face it, I was a funny lookin' kid. Nana and Aunt Mimi, both nurses, were available to beam. Bio Dad was off in Germany getting drunk.

Within hours, hospital administration carried me back into my mom's room with all the necessary equipment a newborn needed back in the Dark Ages. They must have looked ridiculous.

“Noreen, we have a problem,” they said. “Catherine is disturbing other infants in the nursery. While I realize you need peace and quiet, so does everyone else and frankly, we’re sick of the complaints. Catherine is going to sleep in here from now on and we use that term loosely. Good luck - she's all yours."

Don't let that cherubic face fool you.

Although once in my mother's arms, I stopped fussing immediately - content with constant attention. This theme would repeat itself in various ways for the rest of my life.

Here's to thirty-eight years of keeping it real.


At 11/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here's to thirty-eight more filled with love, laughter, anger, frustration, pride, questions, answers and amazement. Thank you for being you. I love you.

At 11/10/2007, Blogger David Jenkins said...

Happy birthday!

At 11/10/2007, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Happy B-Day thingy to you.

At 11/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things:

1. Happy Birthday.

2. Is that a garter on your leg in crib?

At 11/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one more year and you can join the secret agent club.

Happy Birthday.


Explains just about everything including my naturally, unnatural attraction to you.

Don't let that go to your head.

At 11/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I thought you were younger than 38. I thought 30 maybe.....Well Happy Birthday. Now I am depressed......

At 11/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, to be young again ----


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