Monday, November 19, 2007

Once and for All

My favorite question this time of year:

Do Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving?

Yes. Yes we do.

And just so you know - we go trick-or-treating for Halloween, eat chocolate hearts on Valentine's Day, and hold out until the third date.

Just like every other normal American.


At 11/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From today's St. Pete Times ... I saw this headline and though, "wow, they busted Kate ... "


-- chase ..

Orlando private school sues blogging parent for defamation

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- A private school claims the mother of a former student crossed the line in a critical Internet blog she wrote about her daughter's experiences there.

So the New School of Orlando Inc. sued Sonjia McSween to stop her from publishing and talking about the school and force her to pay damages.

Some say it's a case of censorship. Others say First Amendment rights have nothing to do with it.

At 11/19/2007, Blogger Gonzonia said...

just don't tell them about all the things we get that the rest of America doesn't.

At 11/19/2007, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Well, since it feels like you're eating turkey for at least seven days after Thanksgiving, perhaps we're all a little Jewish right about now?

At 11/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure about all the other jewish women but I know you're lying about the 3 dates.

At 11/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for ruining my Thanksgiving.


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