Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Assbag of the Week - Bill O'Reilly

Sign the open letter.


At 1/08/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All media have there bias. Is this somehow surprising? One assbag? There's a few hundred in the media. TV and otherwise.

At 1/08/2008, Blogger Reiza said...

He had "No choice," but to be an asshole? He upholds the Constitution by acting like a rude idiot?

I will never get over just how sinister, confused and full of lies they are over there at Fox.

At 1/08/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Toto, have you ever noticed that Michael Moore and Bill O'Reilly are never in the same room at the same time?

At 1/08/2008, Blogger TrumanDem said...

The heads exploding over at FauxNews now that Hillary has pulled a stunning upset in New Hampshire will soon be declared a disaster area. The fabulous progressive blogger Digby has a great quote posted on my blog that expresses my feelings exactly regarding the mainstream media.


At 1/09/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, what a bunch of whiners. You all afraid of the truth?

At 1/10/2008, Blogger Reiza said...

Oh, that truth comment has me cracking up. The lies that are being spewed (particularly about Obama) are just astounding. It's not the truth I'm afraid of. It's the bigotry and lies and the zeal with which they are told. That's what frightens me.


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