Dems Club Meeting
Allison Hunter is (sadly) no longer running for office. Family comes first and all.
Downside: Doug Bruce is, so far, unopposed.
Upside: Allison continues as President of the Dems Club.
Location: Bambino's Pizzeria (SE corner of Circle & Platte)
Date: 01/17/2008
Time: 6:00 PM
All you can eat pizza, pasta, salad & bread!
Adults $10.00
Kids $7.00
Doesn't say much that the dems can't find anyone to run against Doug Bruce......
Dear anonymous,
What do you mean it doesn't say much about the Dems because they can't find a replacement to run against Bruce? hmmmm....Allison only announced she wasn't running a week ago. Besides with such attractive pay of 30,000 a year, 4 months away from your family, and oh lets not forget you have to run an exhausting campaign every 2 years with no guarantee of keeping your job! This is why we only get wealthy, or old retired men running for office. But long as u don't have to pay that extra $50.00 a year in taxes! Just get what you pay for! Doesn't say much for the repubs that they appoint Doug Bruce. What an emabarrasment.
If he's so weak and so bad, then why can't the dems find anyone to run against him?
And don't give me that "$30k a year" B.S. The dems would LOVE to have another state elected official from El Paso County, but they can't seem to manage it. You have to wonder why..........
Your an unreasonable take valid points and dismiss them to suit you unreasonable ass opinions just to dog on son someones partianship. Sounds like you are you a Rebublican or perhaps a Libertarian? Selfish Assbag. Why don't you get your lazy ass out and run for office before you critize a whole party because after 9 days they haven't replaced a candidate who as a single parent couldn't support her family of 3 on 30,000 a year salary. Dam you are pathetic.
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