Equal Time
Matt Taibbi is through with the Republicans, I guess, and will now start reporting the *real* story behind our favorite Democrats.
Obama is first.
Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice.
Matt Taibbi is through with the Republicans, I guess, and will now start reporting the *real* story behind our favorite Democrats.
Hey, just so you see your sphere of influenza expanding ... (BTW, did you see today, Colorado leads the nation in flu cases, we're no. 1, we're no. 1!) ... anyway, Outinleftfield gets a nod in my friend Andy's blog today (although he refers to it by the link name I gave it, "check out this liberal" ... sorry, didn't know it would stick ...
check it out, http://intheslam.blogspot.com/
Just call Chase "Johnny Appleseed" (or Typhoid Mary). You can blame him for my visits as well. Andy says he lurks on your site, but I'm not so, er, shy?
BTW, it happened again, from a different computer ... I log in to the site, and my antivirus kicks in and says it's stopping a viral download from "misdirector" ... very strange and it only happens at your site ... Is this happening to anyone else?
Must be a computer faith-healer.
I updated my antivirus software and it stopped happening to me. I'll send another email to my hosting site.
Goddamn PETA people.
Matt Taibbi is pretty fair in his hatred of both sides:
Thanks for the link, pookah. Matt Taibbi is one of the best, most thought-provoking journalists out there.
And he's downright hopeful about Obama in this piece - which makes me look at Obama in a more positive light.
We'll see...
Hillary Clinton no respeta a nuestra gente los partidarios de Hillary Clinton fueron a corte para evitar que la gente que trabaja pueda votar este sábado, eso es vergonzoso. Los partidarios de Hillary Clinton quieren evitar que la gente que trabaja el sábado pueda votar en sus lugares de empleo. ¡Imperdonable! Hillary Clinton no tiene vergüenza.
Hillary Clinton no debería permitir que sus amigos ataquen el derecho de nuestra gente de votar este sábado. Es imperdonable! No hay respeto el senador Barack Obama esta defendiendo nuestro derecho de votar.
El senador Barack Obama quiere nuestros votos, el respeta nuestros votos, nuestra comunidad y a nuestra gente. El lema de la campaña de Barrack Obama es “sí se puede, si se puede”. Vote por un presidente que nos respeta y respeta nuestro derecho de votar. Obama para presidente. Si se puede.
Well, it starts out with "Hillary Clinton doesn't respect our people...." and goes pretty much the same way from there. But it doesn't say a thing about homosexuals.
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