Out in Left Field
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Tuesday, January 01, 2008
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I have to admit, my favorite thing about this is that they used "Rachel's Theme" from Blade Runner for the "falling in love" music and then I believe a snippet from the main theme of the Disney movie The Black Hole for when she got up and walked away.
Yes, I was an ubergeek last year and I intend to continue to be an ubergeek in the new year.
Pure fiction. No way a dude with a beer gives up a sure thing. I don't care if it's with an Orc. You still chug the beer and go with it. Just sayin' ... It's our nature. Sorry.
I don't know about that.
I mean, sure, it's your nature if she was plopped into your bed and the lights were off. But if you have to be seen walking out of there with her - doesn't he agree to go with her somewhere (British accents - subtitles, please) - his reaction under those circumstances is the norm, I believe.
Men are pigs most of the time. Sorry.
come on, you don't think a chick would leave just as quickly. . .perhaps even before chugging down their wine?!
Depends. If he's cute and rich...I've known girls who've put up with worse.
Still. Good question for Scruples.
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