Monday, January 28, 2008

I Know That Dude!

I may not agree with the entire article (seriously, what's wrong with moving to New York?) but local friends like Andy are the reasons why, after being surrounded with uptight conservatives, I may not actually kill myself.

Try not to laugh. I dare you.


At 1/28/2008, Blogger Karla said...

That wasn't funny; just banal. If you're going to trot out tired old stereotypes (the one in play here being that successful older women are dick shriveling shrews) then why not give that same treatment to Sen. Obama? Could it be because it's still OK to say things about a woman that you would never in a million years say about a black man?

At 1/28/2008, Blogger calebism said...

No matter how much you pander to the misogynists in your readership, they still won't respect you. Collaborators are used, not esteemed. That being said, my former hero Hillary and her husband are behaving badly-- Go O!

At 1/28/2008, Blogger kate said...

Caleb - He's a friend from the real world. I don't think he even reads my sh*t. How's that for pandering? And he's not a woman-hater either. Don't mistake acerbic wit for hate. People do that to me all the time.

That said, Karla makes a damn good point. Perhaps I'll give Andy a hard time about it during the Super Bowl party this weekend. In between all those Patriot touchdowns.

At 1/28/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

It was wrong but I laughed. I too have tried to like Hilary, but I can't do it. I could vote for her, no problem but I can't like her. On the other hand, I liked Bill, but I couldn't vote for him. Funny aint it? Not funny HaHa, but funny WTF?

At 1/28/2008, Blogger calebism said...

Karla's damn good point appears to be that bro's "acerbic wit" was neither acerbic nor witty, and that he applied stereotypes to a woman that would be considered racist if analogous comments were applied to a black man. If such is not age-ist misogyny, what is? I did not mean to imply that your friend the writer ever read your stuff, but I think it is uncommonly generous of you to claim him as a friend. You are a better woman than I, that is certain.

At 1/29/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Er, I'm not into product endorsements, but Metamusal, it works over time, good source of fiber, loosens up the sense of humor... just sayin' (By the way, the Onion is fiction)

At 1/29/2008, Blogger calebism said...

Well, if laxatives, and I assume that is what is meant by the oddly constructed "Metamusal" (Metamucil?) free up your sense of humor, I 'd recommend a quick check on head location. And I recommend Spellcheck for all your blogging needs! Properly applied, Spellcheck insures that everyone will understand you, and adds an air adequacy to your replies. So locate that little Spellcheck button and use it today, won't you?! It's free, and easy!

At 1/29/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suspect Metaumusal was an intentional play on the word amuse ie. loosen up the sense of humor. Urban dictionary also has a definition for the slang word amusal. Perhaps that was an unintended meaning as well, given the context of the post. The tone of your response sounds rather catty. That, combined with the typo and improper use of insure vice ensure in a comment attacking someone's spelling and/or grammar, detracts from your own credibility. This is not formal writing. We all make errors and the occasional bad joke that not everyone gets. Personal attacks and such sniping help no one and muddy the waters of constructive discourse.

At 1/29/2008, Blogger kate said...

I dunno - I make spelling errors from time to time and *I'm* brilliant. Like I tell my students, as long as I understand you.

I laugh at that which pokes fun at everything. I like offensive humor. And after spending so much time with uptight folks, sometimes I fell like I'm surrounded by them, it's nice to laugh at even the sacred. If someone poked fun at Obama and it was funny, I'd laugh.


At 1/29/2008, Blogger calebism said...

Zing! Getting all pedantic and shit ensures that I will be hoist by own petards or something. And to describe me as "catty" is charitable. But can constructive discourse be conducted without attention to lucidity? Your contribution is evidence for the "lucidity is helpful" argument, even if mine is not. One thing-- is tolerating sloppy communication helpful? I think it is enabling [bad] behavior. Example: GWB, who should have been taken to task for his sloppy bloody-mindedness years ago.
Always grateful for all tune-ups, assuming that they are on the mark. I'll get all lazy and supercilious and shit without them, y'know? Thanks!

At 1/29/2008, Blogger Mr. Matt said...

Just guessing, but I don't think MetUM-USE-L is in spell check, just guessing. Also, it's just funnier (oops, more funny) than Ex-Lax (which probably doesn't have a dash thingy in it), ah, now I'm all bound up! Better go with Cod Liver Oil, that's in speller checker :-)

At 1/29/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Teacher! Teacher! SOMEONE is making rude comments in the back of the room. You know I'M a good student. Right, Teacher? (Eewww! Boys!).

At 1/29/2008, Blogger calebism said...


At 1/30/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Pedantic and catty is right. We all learn more words, phrases, concepts and facts (if we're paying attention), but sometimes I don't think we really escape junior H.S. For every kid laughing at MAD magazine or telling dirty jokes in the back of the classroom (usually, but not always, a boy), there is some teacher's pet busting his chops in the front of the room (usually, but not always, a girl). Maybe you're covered with tattoos and hate the government, but you still sound like that girl in the front of the room.

At 1/30/2008, Blogger calebism said...

Who could have predicted this would devolve to either misogyny or homophobia-- I can't tell which yet-- but the girly-man ad hominems are already flying. Yayy! Love me some Dixie!

At 1/30/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I like women fine. There are even a few I love. How on earth did you get homophobia out of my statements? My homosexual friends are generally smart and have a sense of humor. You seem smart, but mean. Kate is ascerbic, but not mean. You really could use some fiber.


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