Monday, January 21, 2008

I'd Probably Be The Crack Spider's B*tch

Which one would you be?

(Brought to you by First Church of Christ. Promoting stereotypes in Jesus' name since 1975.)

h/t Robin


At 1/21/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

I was totally suckered on that one. As Borat would say, "Thaat's Niiiiice!"

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, but the First Church of Christ had nothing more to do with it than Canada did.

So who's really promoting the stereotyping?

But then, we know how much you hate Christians and love bashing at them every chance you get........

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's to breaking down stereotypes:

Picking the right theme music is everything

At 1/21/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Oh, put a cork in it, Anon. Life's too damn short.

That was funny, even though it involved spiders.

At 1/21/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, life is too short to let bias, prejudice and hatred stand unchallenged.

No doubt you'd love to have me shut up about such things coming from kate and others.....just as southerners wanted Quakers to shut up about slavery, pre-Civil War. Aren't we all glad that they didn't just "put a cork in it?"

At 1/21/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

That Blood Chicken Dance was like watching a train wreck. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't take my eyes off of it.

At 1/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Anon really knows how to pick its battles.

Like they say, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but Anon is an assbag.

At 1/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt you know a lot about picking your nose....and maybe about cheap namecalling. But that seems to be the limits of your abilities. Too bad.

At 1/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like the anon's are not welcome to play in this community sandbox.

Perhaps we need a dream.

Perhaps we need an Anon civil liberties group.

Perhaps we need a tea party in Boston.

Anon's Secret Society (you provide the acronym) will be down with the struggle.

Anon's want to know how high is the ivory tower that the sandbox owner lives in.

Anon's can perceive the global distain that is personified by the sandbox buddies towards any one outside of their group.

I do declair, where is Rhett in these wretched times of turmoil?

At 1/22/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, This may come as a shock to you, you are traveling through life with a complete lack of a sense and understanding of humor. You must confront the people in your life for hiding this fact from you.

Anon the Last, you have much to teach Anon the First, that was funny.

May I suggest the deer or spider as your party symbol.

At 1/22/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Wouldn't be much of a party if everyone agreed. QJ counterpoints with Kate all the time. Shoot, he apparently disagrees when he doesn't disagree. Keeps everyone sharp. Argue, rant, pontificate, contradict, whatever, just don't take yourself too seriously, and I'd venture to say all will be well. Course, feel free to be an ass if that's where the mood takes you. That's more fun to watch.

At 1/22/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Shoot, he apparently disagrees when he doesn't disagree.

Of course, I disagree with that.

At 1/22/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

No doubt you'd love to have me shut up about such things coming from kate and others.....just as southerners wanted Quakers to shut up about slavery, pre-Civil War. Aren't we all glad that they didn't just "put a cork in it?"

Yep, pretty much just like that, Anon. Glad you're beginning to get a bit of a grasp on something called "perspective".

Unless, of course, you really think centuries of slavery are on par with a two second tag line at the end of a satirical film about spiders and drugs....

At 1/23/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, so you want to excuse away bias and prejudice just because it's a small example, compared to other examples.

"When the came for the Jews, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Jew......."

Think about it.

And think about how important it is to stand for a principle, no matter how small the example.

At 1/23/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Oh anon, just when I thought you were getting somewhere in terms of picking your battles.

But feel free to lose your shit over the most inconsequential minutia you can find. I have to give it to you, you embrace your logical fallacies wholeheartedly.

At 1/23/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And all we get from you is a petty insult about embracing logical fallacies. Gee, how substantive. And just when I thought you were getting somewhere past a bumper sticker mentality.

At 1/25/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

Oh, Anon, you are just an absolute gem. Only you could take me pointing out how pretty much every single comment you make rests on either misleading vividness or a strawman argument, both of which are logical fallacies, and turn it into a "petty insult". You just must be a hoot at parties.

At 1/25/2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More petty accusations.....:yawn:

Too bad you don't care to talk about the principles involved in taking a stand against prejudice.

At 1/25/2008, Blogger kate said...

I care. That's why I'm speaking out against Michael Savage's message of hate against Muslims.

How come your panties aren't in a wad over that?

Saving it all for a minor player who uses sarcasm and wit to make a point?

You know Savage is full of hate and I'm not and yet you focus on me in your stand against prejudice?

Proves it's more like a reclining pose instead of a stand.



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