I'm Nothing, If Not a Giver
Attended a Drinking Liberally event the other night. Good turnout.
I know. There ain't supposed to be miracles no more.
Seventy-six people, in northern Colorado Springs, who publicly admitted to being progressive.
Take that, nonbelievers!
Jay Fawcett showed up along with several candidates for public office. Trying to change the face of El Paso County politics and all. We watched the New Hampshire primary returns come in and the four or five Obama people played nicely with the rest of us who are voting for John Edwards on February 5th.
One or two mentioned voter fraud as Hillary took the lead. Don't know how those Ron Paul supporters got in, but they're funny drunks so we let them hang out awhile.
Linda Seger joined us to talk about her book explaining why Republicans don't have the corner on Christ. She was giving away free bumperstickers so, of course, I picked one up for Co-Worker #1.

Donkeys? How about camels. Would someone please explain what the heck Isaiah was talking about when he said "a multitude of camels will cover you"? (Isaiah 60:1-6) I thought bestiality was, like, wrong and stuff.
While I'm no biblical scholar, sd, I think that in that verse the term "cover" is used more along the lines of "suppressing fire". So you could translate it as, "The Multitude of camels with lay down a pattern of suppressing fire with their spit over thee."
I mean, it's either that or a wealth and prosperity thing.
Seriously, though, I'm never happy with Republicans try and "steal Jesus" so I'm just as wary when the Democrat Party and it's supporters attempt the same thing.
I don't think Jesus would do very well in politics (in fact, he didn't)... unless he hired Lee Atwater or had a Bert Lance in his corner (but then that wouldn't be very Jesus-like, would it?).
Oh, and, thanks for the elucidate, QJ.
QJ - From what I understand, the book isn't about Jesus being a Democrat. It's about the core Christian values and which "policies" are better suited toward a more Christian nation. It's really about focusing more on the sick and the poor. At any rate, that's what one of my co-workers thought. She's a church organist who tends to be more moderate than most around here. And she liked the book.
The early church was actually almost communist (from each according to his ability to each according to his need), and socialist church rhetoric (sp) was big in Central America for awhile. I think most Christians don't have any idea just how radical Jesus really was.
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