Iowa and New Hampshire have had their say -- who will Colorado vote for?

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This lefty actually looks at candidates voting records and will never accept their apologies for helping assist George Bush kill over 3900 Americans and countless numbers of Iraqi's.
Even though I wish I could vote for Dennis Kucinich who you left out of the picture, I decided early enough that Democrats would never vote for a "real" Democrat so I became a Republican.
I'm voting for the only other candidate that has never voted for this war, nor ever voted to fund it.
Rep. Ron Paul
I still don't know!
God, this is worse than buying new jeans.
And IWV, could you explain the logic behind "I decided early enough that Democrats would never vote for a "real" Democrat so I became a Republican," a little more. I'm not sure I'm following you or how voting for Kucinich is any greater of a throw away gesture than voting for Paul?
Ah Shucks, I went ahead and vote for Kucinich. When it comes down to real deal,when, sadly, Denny has dropped, then it's El Vez for Prez!!
I could never vote for such an obvious racist as Hillary is, nor for a rich pretender the way Edwards is, so I guess that leaves me with not much of a default choice.
Edwards, Hillary or Obama would all be fine. I'll probably vote for Edwards. They're all rich or beholden to rich folks, but at least Edwards knew what it was like to be from an unprivileged family. It is funny (not "haha" funny, but makes you want to jump off a bridge funny) how the handlers can convince people that black is white. Clintons rascist? Edwards a spoiled rich kid? And you wonder why there are so many cynics out there! Chase is right: Vote for Pedro.
Now who's the gnumbnoughts? Pedro can't even run..... he's not 35!
Damn! I wondered why none of my candidates won!
in January 2009
Hillary Clinton gets elected President and is spending her first night in
the White House. She has waited so long..........
The ghost of George Washington appears, and Hillary says,
"How can I best serve my country?"
Washington says, "Never tell a lie."
"Ouch!" Says Hillary, "I don't know about that."
The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...
Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Jefferson says,
"Listen to the people."
"Ohhh! I really don't want to do that."
On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears...
Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Lincoln says,
"Go to the theater."
Example: Look at how her surrogates are attacking him for admitting his past drug use, and essentially accusing him of dealing drugs. Talk about your nasty stereotyping of black people......
Hillary Clinton no respeta a nuestra gente los partidarios de Hillary Clinton fueron a corte para evitar que la gente que trabaja pueda votar este sábado, eso es vergonzoso. Los partidarios de Hillary Clinton quieren evitar que la gente que trabaja el sábado pueda votar en sus lugares de empleo. ¡Imperdonable! Hillary Clinton no tiene vergüenza.
Hillary Clinton no debería permitir que sus amigos ataquen el derecho de nuestra gente de votar este sábado. Es imperdonable! No hay respeto el senador Barack Obama esta defendiendo nuestro derecho de votar.
El senador Barack Obama quiere nuestros votos, el respeta nuestros votos, nuestra comunidad y a nuestra gente. El lema de la campaña de Barrack Obama es “sí se puede, si se puede”. Vote por un presidente que nos respeta y respeta nuestro derecho de votar. Obama para presidente. Si se puede.
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