Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just Say No to Florida's Marriage Amendment

The St. Petersburg Times just published a powerful editorial actively opposing the marriage amendment. In part, the editorial states,

"Under the amendment, Florida's cities and counties that maintain domestic partnership registries may have to shut them down, with those couples possibly losing health and other partner benefits."

Click here to read the entire editorial.

Nearly every major daily newspaper in Florida has joined with Fairness for All Families and come out against the amendment, while making clear the real harm that could be done to all unmarried Floridians including seniors, public employees and others who rely on domestic partnership benefits to protect their loved ones.

If you haven't already, please make your commitment now to oppose discrimination by joining the Fairness Campaign today.


At 1/12/2008, Blogger Angie said...

You must be so proud of your Florida brethren:


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